**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire Mk XII - Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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Good for diorama stuff though. My LHS is a bit limited, but has a reasonable variety of kits, tools, materials etc, and if Iris, the owner, can get a particular item, it's normally there within a couple of days, which is helpful. Anything more 'exotic', I have to get via mail order/internet, which is fine unless it's a product I need to see before buying - like the fine mesh I've just ordered via the 'net!
Ah poo!They'll be too small to find again! Have to make one out of a piece of thin card or foil - more scratch-building practice for you mate!
Wonderful job Karl. I agree with Terry - one of your best.

The only knock I have about that kit - no fault of yours - is the rather prominent recessed panel lines but looks great all the same.
Karl, she looks so smashing I started being envious.

Just one tip for future. Applying of the yellow colour is aways a trouble. It is because the colour doesn't cover a surface as nicely as other paints ( e.g, greay ones.) It appears that a gloss clear varnish is a very good undercoat for it. For the reason I would suggest applying of the yellow paint on a primmered in the way surface. Because you covered the model with the gloss coat for putting decal marking on... it would be a good prime coat for the colour. Therefore you should have applied it shortly before decal markings .

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