got a tiny bit done in between mould making.
PIC 1. Canopy detail painted, and rear view mirrors added from thin plastic srtip, cut to shape. These have since been painted, as has the rear, bare metal canopy frame.
PIC 2. The new main door for the nose gear under construction, but not yet trimmed and filed. On the right is the bare kit part.
PIC 3. The new door and the two forward doors in place.
PIC 4. A gloss blue ASRAAM training round has been added to the port outboard rail. The starboard rail will be left 'empty'.
Almost finished now, with just the various navigation and anti-collision lamps to make and fit, along with the remaining antennae, then modify the nose mounting ready for the turned brass pitot, fit that and the canopy, and I'll call it done.