**** DONE: 1/48 Vought F-8E Crusader VF-211 "Checkmates" - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Seems the rain is setting in around the world mate, drenched here for the last couple of days and now the sun is out it's a bitter cold wind that is blowing.
Looks the biz Paul! As for the rain - we've had a total of around 20 days, spread over the year, when it hasn't rained. Got a month's rain fall in 24 hours earlier this week - I'm sick of it p*ssing down all the time !!!
My work table is starting to look like yours, Paul, so this afternoon I am taking break from modelling and cleaning up the mess. Unlike you, I can't find anything ! Spent ten minutes looking for the Super-glue this morning. Found it hiding under the sandpaper. The plane looks really good, Paul.


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