**** DONE: 1/72 Bf 109E - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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:) Thanks Bill and Andy and Geo. In fact I have my share of prolonged and unfinished builds (many of them group build entries). Too many probably, because I'm afraid that if I count them I might get depressed. It just so happened I have some spare time and motivation to do this little project now. Anyway, it's so much better when you're working early in the GB and then don't have to rush to meet the deadline.
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Thanks everyone for your comments. Don't have much progress to report, but never the less here's one quick shoot to show how she looks at the moment. Engine exhausts and rear fuselage are painted. Once this gets dry I'll mask the rear fuselage where yellow band should be and proceed with paint job. Canopy isn't glued of course, was just checking how it fits.


  • GB 20_09.JPG
    GB 20_09.JPG
    104.8 KB · Views: 103
Mighty fine man, moving at good speed :)

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