**** DONE: 1/72 Bf 109E - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Amazing work, Igor. You guys and the 1/72nd stuff have my envy and admiration. I just don't have the eyes for 1/72nd anymore.
Got to agree with you Dale, I take my hat off to these builders of the 1/72 scale and some of the things they achieve, and if it was 1/144 I'd be thinking it was a speck of dust1
Thank you kindly for your comments guys. I agree, handling tinier pieces in 1/72nd scale can be a pain, but I've been working in this scale from the beginning and plan to stick to it as long as my eyesight serves. Also as the space for displaying finished models is an issue for me I prefer the smaller scale (not enough to venture into the 1/144 though). Not to mention you can buy more kits for same amount of money.
Yep, there's a lot of advantages to 1/72nd scale, especially the storage/display and, of course, the price. Also, if building dioramas, then there are a lot more accessories available, from figures and vehicles, to buildings, compared to 1/48th and above.
Couple of pictures of finished model...


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