Done : Fw190A-8 Black 5 of III./JG 54 Gruppe Build

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All these gruppe build threads are confusing! I totally missed this one, your 190 looks great Karl! Nice paintjob!
All these gruppe build threads are confusing! I totally missed this one, your 190 looks great Karl! Nice paintjob!

That's alright Muller, you're more than welcome to join up....there's no Join Before Date", just end date which is VE-Day 7th you still got a few months to get down and dirty. 8)'s some new pics
i'm hoping to borrow a better camera for the final pics

I don't think there is anything wrong with the camera. Everything behind
the plane is in focus, but the airplane is not. Slow down, if it's an auto-
focus. With most cameras you just push the button a little and it goes
into auto-focus, press it down and it takes the pic. Slow down !!

I'm with Charles on this. Also, come back from the subject just a couple of inches - that will give you a little more depth of field. You can always crop and enlarge the bit you want later, in one of the editing packages.
Which reminds me, I'd better crack on with the photography guide, it might help for when people need to post good pics of their entries for the Group Build. I'll try to get it finished within the next couple of weeks.
thanks for the info guy's, but i've been useing my mobile phone to take the pics, 1/72 scale is just to small for my point and shoot camera's digital zoom to cope with, if i get the focus right the subject is to far away to see anything !!!!
i'm borrowing a camera soon with optical zoom and macro so no excuses when i get the pics

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