**** DONE: GB-35 1/72 UH-1 B ‘Huey” - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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It's looking good Michael.
However, I think those PE parts are supposed to fit on the inside of the plastic parts.

Oh nuts.....Really!!!! I should be able to pull it apart. I have debonder and have used CA to attach the parts. Should come away, but will need to be careful...

I might check the kit instructions again though just to be sure.
so here is the progress for the weekend. I have the two tone base colours down though there is still quite a bit of finishing off to do. the edges between the blue and white are crisp, in correct position and clear. thanks to terry's advice a couple of years ago. Basically I put down the blue, then masked, then sealed the edge with a clear coat. made absolutely sure that everything that came into contact with the wet white paint was completely clean . I didn't bother with preshading because my past attempts at preshading white have generally not ended well

Most of the glazing is in position and ive put some weight in the nose just in front of the IP

I'm happy with the results so far, except I'm a bit slow on this job.


Port forequarter.jpg


Starboard forequarter.jpg

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