**** DONE: GB-35 1/72 UH-1 B ‘Huey” - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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hi everyone

Here are some shots of the recovery work ive done so far.....

First up doors and hatches, put together, error corrected, and in my opinion, iooking looking okay

Next the nose glazing. I removed it from the nose using ZAP debonder, cleaned it up using automotive cut and polish (brand name "Paint Doctor'. it said on the jar it was safe to use on glazed finishes. I thought "good enough" and went with it. There are still some bits requiring clean up around the edges, but overall I think the result is pretty good.

I don't think I will risk applying PVA to the surface. The glazing has been restored well enough I think, but I will use clearglass adhesive to re-attach the glazing to the model

Lastly the nose of the model. The paintwork was damaged by the removal process, so ive had to prep the nose for a patch paint. Litle bit more to do yet, but I'm not expecting huge issues here.

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Nice recovery and a lesson learned. CA glue on clear parts can be a bad mix. A Future dip (or whatever equivalent is used in Oz) usually prevents the fogging effect. Still, I tend to avoid CA on clear parts unless I have a really stubborn part to fit,

I use Pledge One Go here in Australia for dipping canopies Michael, although I'm not sure it's still available. Even then, I'm still extremely careful using CA or plastic glue and use PVA-type glues where I can.
Michael, went to Branson, Mo over the weekend where they have a Veterans Memorial Museum. Last year they received a Huey (C) model built in 1965 and which served in Vietnam with the 118th Thunderbirds. The Museum has been restoring it and they say that it is 100% authentic. I took some pics:
You can see the large cooling louvers on BOTH sides of the turbine, the yellow tail strut, and the restored cockpit
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moving very slowly, but at least still moving. will try and post some progress shots tonite. Have begun to fit some of the decals before fitting some of the really fiddly finishing part like screen wipers. starting to look nice IMHO
Thanks evryone. Have had to postpone my photosuntil tomorrow now. boss thinks I love to take work home, and have no life outside of his little empire.
sorry once again guys for not posting images. just have a lot of demands on time at the moment that is preventing me getting to this build on a regular basis. ive started the decaling process, and will try to take process and post images tonite or tomorrow.

thanks for your patience guys
, hi everyone. thank you for your parience. Some progress shots at last. . Not much to say but at least still moving forward and happy generally with results

I'm least happy with this one, for what should be obvious. not sure how to get the decal to fit more snugly against the grille. Maybe make a cut in the corner with the modelling knife?

bits and pieces happy with the bumper finish, and the hatches came up nice and clear with decals sitting pretty well IMO

Port forequarter with foot glass panel fitted. Came up pretty goof. I also painted and fitted the PE clearglass wiper for the port side, the turbine is in, and that fin thingy that sits on the roof. Nose decal is onand ive also put those strange rectangular red "colour patches"(actually ive no idea what they are) onto the model.

Slightly different shot of the same quarter, taken from slightly higher. I should say, the rotor is only dry fitted at this point

Starboard forequarter

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