**** DONE: GB-36 1:48 Me-410B-2/U4 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WW2

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I would tend to agree.
Not sure if the Cosford example is 'early' or 'late' - built in late 1943 at Augsburg, W.Nr.420320.
Unit codes were found when the aircraft was stripped back and re-painted in it's present scheme, but no mention of re-paint internally,
and from what i saw when taking the photos of the wheel bays, gun bay etc, the paint there looked original, compared to the re-painted exterior. .
Great subject. The Hornisse looked the part with its twin four-bladed props but from what I've read, it was quite the disappointment performance-wise. Looking forward to this build!
Jeff, did you get the e-mails with the photos ?
I initially had a problem sending them, although they're now shown as 'sent'.
Yes, I have not had a chance to take a good look but they all arrived. I am a bit behind on e mails and stuff this morning as my son and daughter in law are just packing up to leave for Saskatchewan. Sorry for not getting back to you.

Looks like it will be a good one Jeff

Terry would you mind emailing me those interior pictures, they will be very useful when I tackel the 410 I have on the stash.
Great subject. The Hornisse looked the part with its twin four-bladed props but from what I've read, it was quite the disappointment performance-wise. Looking forward to this build!

That would be true for the Me 210. The Me 410 had a lengthened fuselage and new wings which turned the aircraft into a competent weapon though it still had some imperfections.
Started on this build today. Sprayed most of the cockpit pieces and then started work on the pilot's seat and one of the panels for the guy in back(GIB). Don't have alot of PE experience so it is a bit of an adventure. First time actually I have used PE seatbelts.

Hopefully I can spend a bit of time most days and have a few pictures for you soon.

Spent some time painting parts and prepping same for assembly. Should start coming together soon. I have a family Christmas party to get ready for but I hope to have some photos to add soon.


A few progress photos of what has been done to date. The first photo is of the weapons bay and the fours cannons. This is located on the bottom for the front cockpit buildup which has been started and is nearing completion.


Still have to add the ammo chutes for the guns and in the cockpit the IP and a couple of other tiddly bits. This is my first build that has PE belts. Fiddly little bu&&ers but they are much nicer than molded or decals belts.



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