.....and of course idiot me has the Pilots Notes. Oxygen container doesn't look black but would it have had a lighter color for picture purposes? My searches show black
I'll see if I can weasel a safety harness in as well, Buff color?
Thanks Andy and Wojtek. Test fit of the guns, mostly to see where I have to leave off paint for gluing. One more piece to add and the turret is done aside from the clear parts.
I really need to get a better lighting set-up......
I added instrument decals from my C.205 to represent the two oxygen dials in the turret. These are crap so I used Tamiya Decal Adhesive to attach them. I'll coat them with Future to make sure they stay put and then flat coat that when it drys.
Thanks guys. Finished painting the turret pieces and while waiting for them to dry I started on some other stuff; horizontal stabs. These are in two pieces and fit together very well. Having said that, I noticed that many of the attachment areas are bevelled and these are the same. My only issue with this is that the sprue attachment points are here as well and it makes clean up a bit challenging trying to maintain the bevel. A test fit shows these should mount very well without a seam.
The rudder as with the other moving surfaces are one piece. It's hard to see in the photo but the ribbed surface is very subdued.
The main gear doors. What shall we say about these other than they are about two scale inches thick...
The lower part of the door is thinner than the to so I'll concentrate there. It's also a two piece affair....I'll not concentrate on that.
I've started the thinning process but its hard to see here...
Late here now, in the morning I'll check for inner door and wheel well colours. I've seen aluminum and underside color both listed