**** DONE: GB-39 1/48 Bf 110C – Battle for France to Battle of Britain

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
1/48 Bf 110C
Username : donivanp
First name : Don
Category : intermidiate
Scale : 1/48
Manufacturer / Model : Eduard Bf 110C
Extras : It's all in the box!

I really thought about setting this one out, but like Bill, thought I would through one in.

I've always like the Bf 110 since I was young. It was a dog at what it was designed to do but it kept on evolving to the task at had. As a fighter bomber or a standoff intercepter and a night fighter it was suited to the task, er well, until the P-51 and other long range escorts came into play. Early in the war (upto the Battle of France) it even made it seem like it was a good idea. That's why I'll be doing a BofF era design.
Thanks for the link Andy, I'm looking it over and have ordered the QB exhausts as prescribed. I have the Cyber Hobby Bf 110D and have reviewed that kit and the Eduard kit. I like the CB kit better. There is a lot of detail and not as much fiddly s*%t. Sadly, one I have the Eduard kit and two, CB doesn't do the C, only the D and E that I am aware of. I have done their D-3 and have two D-1/R-1 and one D NachtJager and their E-1 Trop. I thought about backdating their D to a C and it still may be an option but I am pretty sure the Eduard is the best way to go.
Well, I've been wanting to get to a 110, lord knows I have enough of them.

I've added a couple of small aftermarket QB items. The exhaust is the top of the list and not wanting to spend a week putting little PE handels on the machine gun drumms I picked up their replacement.

So Many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you think you'll do them in your lifetime?
Sorry, should not have asked that question.
Never mess with an addicts head....

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