Thanks for the kind words........
Well guys, don't know about most of you, but, I love my Paasche VL, and dislike
much, them top loaders.
My VL just feels like a workhorse! Easy to break apart, cleaning big stuff is so much easier. When them thin needles and nozzles get plugged, I just want to throw them into the street.
Now for them Life colors....... the light bottom coclor was thick as cream. Only have the X-20A thinner and it just wasn't right to get it to flow, even 50% was not fun at all.
However the blue Upper color, straight out of the bottle, lays nice and thin and great coverage in two medium coats, go figure!
So here's the corner of the garage, moved the kitchen cabinet back there when we remodeled the kitchen.
Got the blue top color on this #11 plane, tomorrow the #9 plane.
I'm crakin on!!!!!!