Many electronics you buy these days has this stuff in it. Usually a sheet maybe 1/2" thick along the top of the box. Wells look good though, if it were me, I'd paint the spaces around the cooling pipes black as these were actually open to the fuselage interior.
Forgot about that stuff.
Geo the secret to wetting tissue is to wet your hand, lightly, then transfer That to the tissue so it doesn't get soaking wet........ This way you can control the dampness.
Tht foam works okay as well.
Prepping for the gloss coat so I thought I'd tackle the task I've been dreading before hand. Several pages ago I broke off the tail wheel strut, something I figured was going to happen as Hasegawa has you mount it at the beginning of the build...WHY...WHY...WHY...? First up, I had to square off the break so I could drill a hole in the base of what was the strut mount. This is very flimsy and wouldn't take much to break of what was left of the strut inside the fuselage. Even flimsier was trying to drill the hole. I needed to make a pilot hole so I heated up a needle and gently touched the surface; this could have gone sideways very quickly but I got my start. Using my finest carbide drill I started to enlarge the hole and two drill sizes and 15 minutes later I managed to get a hole about 2mm deep. I bent my biggest piece of wire into the approxomite shape and this is what I have. Not exact but I don't think it will be seen in the end. I'll glue it on at the end of the build.... DO YOU HEAR THAT HASEGAWA.....AT THE END OF THE BUILD.
Neatly sorted Geo, and yes, I agree - there are numerous parts, in many kits, that could be designed to be fitted at or near the end of the build.
It's darned irritating when parts get in the way, even with careful handling, and then break at the last moment.
Thanks Wayne. Fought mud and potholes all week, lots of rain and temperatures hovering around zero. Main decals on one side done. I'll halt here and try to belabour the tented star and bar into submission.