**** DONE: GB-49 1/48 Bf 110 G-4 - WW2 Night Fighter

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Wings completed. :)
I thought that numerous if not all night fighters at this time were equiped with DF loop antenna (under or/and over the fuselage). I was about to add the panel aft of the rear cockpit for DF equipment, but it seems it was not the case… No DF antenna on the Johnen's aircraft and, despite the poor quality of my project, it seems that there is none either. Is it normal ?:rolleyes:

Work on some details…

I discovered something regarding Schräge Musik ; it seems that on the first G-4 which were equipped with, this armament wasn't installed at in the rear gunner place, but behind the pilot... But, unfortunately, I don't succeed to find when that changed during the manufacturing. The only thing I found it's a big probability that Martin Drewes's aircraft wnr.720410 or 740140? manufactured between 10/43 and 12/43 had this armament behind the pilot. So, in this case, my project probably too… :rolleyes:

One thing to do : delete the base of DF loop antenna on the canopy :oops: Apparently, my project didn't wore this equipment. Here is how I think to proceed because there is no clear part without the base in the kit :rolleyes:
I hope it will work :oops:

One thing to do : delete the base of DF loop antenna on the canopy :oops: Apparently, my project didn't wore this equipment. Here is how I think to proceed because there is no clear part without the base in the kit :rolleyes:
View attachment 617791View attachment 617792View attachment 617793
I hope it will work :oops:

Work on the canopy finished (or almost finished: I think it will be necessary to sand a little the framing to reduce the thickness)

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