Well, I've finally got some progress pics - but it's been one step forward, and two back, as explained below.
There were some small gaps, and one slight "step" in the wing tip joints, so these were filled with stretched sprue and sanded flush.
The drain and inspection valves in the wing tanks have been added, using plastic rod, and the wings are now done for now.
The main cockpit sections have been assembled, in order to check spacing and location for the added detail.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, I've been working on scratch-building the bomb sight computer, and made one using plastic card - which was then seriously damaged when I accidentally dripped some liquid cement on to it !!!
So, a second computer was started, this time making the "box" from rectangle tube and plastic card, to scale dimensions. But before adding the detail, I decided to double-check the location and fit, and this is where the problems started.
Although to scale, the "box" looked a tad to big to me, compared to the location area in the port side nose, so the cockpit assembly was loosely placed in position, along with the fairing for the rudder pedals, when it was immediately obvious that the computer would not fit !
So, it's back to scratch-building, this time making the computer "box" slightly under scale, but hopefully visually acceptable, and then move on to the Mk.XIV sight head.
The pics below show the progress, and lack of progress, to date.
My hands and wrists have had enough for now, so it'll probably be tomorrow before I tackle the "new" computer.
Pic 1. Wing tip joints filled with stretched sprue and sanded, and the drain and inspection valves added to the drop tanks.
Pic 2. The main cockpit parts, and bomb bay roof, assembled, with the slots for the kit radio equipment filled with plastic card, and the control rod tubes added from plastic rod.
Pic 3. The bomb sight computer "box", not yet detailed, loosely placed in the approximate location. As can be seen, it looks rather too big.
Pic 4. With the floor and the rudder pedal fairing in place, it's obvious that the computer will not fit, therefore a slightly under scale replacement will be made - oh, deep joy, more aching wrists !!!