**** DONE: GB-52 1:72 Boeing B-17G - Heavy Hitters IV

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I been doing odds and ends,
nothing in the order of the instructions
which doesn't fit with My order of doing things!!!!!
So first, see this F24? There is one in each of the wheels wells.
I caution the builder to make sure it is Not upside down!
Make sure it has the double band away from the fire wall, or the gear legs will not fit!!!

I did a progressive gluing of the wing halves.
First around the wheel well engine nacels as it has the most difficult alignment.
Next photo please, shows what I am meaning.

A lot of filling and sanding.
Both wings. But then it's just me!

Done a couple of other things, next time.
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Finally back onner.
Two weeks in Melbourne and back to Sydney for New Years........
Then 6 days in hospital, same old same old, blood clots in me bladder.
Out three days and Back in. Feel old................................

Getting ready to button up the fuselage.
Seatbelts, Guns, masking windows and stuff.
Making sure all is inner. Don't want to have to cracker open once glued up!!!!!
Then NMF. Never done before!
You are not old, like a french wine best at a certain age. Little discomforts make the wine even better. And i have seen your work, so carry on. Tease us with your handywork. It is a pleasure to follow those builds of you.
How are you doing?
Still feeling OLDer..............
Can't sleep, up at 3.30am
lethargic to the point "who gives a shit"................... thanks for asking

But, masking these bloody turrets, spray painting them.
Then even tho I am sitting doing all this, gotta go sit inna comfy chair.

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