**** DONE: GB-55 1/48 A-20B Havoc - MTO III

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Now that all that was done. The AK camouflage putty comes in a ziplock pouch inside the tin can. there's a lot of it and it's fully reusable.

Just pull off what you need,(grip both end you want or you'll have a stringy goup), no issues as it just rolls back up and get what you want again. Lay it down where you want it and shoot the color of your choice.

Pull it up roll it back in a ball and whallll!!!!!!!!!

It came out a bit harder of an edge then I wanted but I'm sure with practice it'll work out. Over all I'm happy.
Now to work the sides and rest of the spine.....
Now that is an interesting bit of modelling aid, just looked it up and its got a reasonable price tag on it particularly as it is supposed to be reusable. May have to add it to my next order. Like the outcome on the model as well, very cool.
According to information from Catch22 Yves the paint (desert pink) was applied with brushes, mops, brooms and rags, this means a hard edge and uneven paint coats! He posted a couple photos that showed this as well. So I'm good with the way the paint has gone on…..
I finished up the left side in accordance to Yves input. A bit late to do the whole thing but I like the look.
That's exactly how it should be: thick paint, "crazy painter at work", the lighter tone does not cover the OD evenly, no masking of insignia, serials etc.
Don, you did great here! This is probably one of the very few times I've seen this particular type of temporary camo done correctly. On the original photos one can virtually feel how thick the "paint" was applied with tools you already listed, but also with sponges and probably even with bare hands (e.g. the blue disk around the white star shows some traces of "dirty fingers"):

Please note that there are no runs or sags at all - that's not some standard paint from the can!
When I wrote you, I was thinking you'll not change anything, but now I see you did it. I think (not that I'm pushing you) you can revise the wings as well. And then eventually play a little bit with the fine sandpaper (or steel wool grade # 0000) to make some of the light coloured areas (or better only portions of them) look worn.
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I would imagine that by the time they got to the vertical tail with the hand painting they would have been a bit slap happy and not giving a monkey's.

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