**** DONE: GB-55 1:48 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII - MTO lll

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Thanks guys. Gloss coated and some weathering but may have over did it. Started panel liner on the tail too. Sitting in camp waiting for my room to be made up so I had two plates of garlic butter shrimp, fries and an ice cream cone. Have a good week all
Thanks guys. Here's where I left off last week. Overdid the weathering at the arrows compared to the photo. I thought that when the clear coat was added it would tone down but not. Would lightly over-spraying the area with diluted Medium Sea Grey tone it down some? Note also in the photo of the aircraft that the heavy-ish weathering seems to stop at the "R" and picks up again at the tail which I have already hit with Tamiya Panel Liner

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Thanks guys. Left side done. Can't see any stencils on the right side but I might add a few. I had to cut the "H" in the code as I was posing the door open. Eduard gives one three cockpit doors, two for closed options, one for open. It would have been nice if Eduard had made an "H" to fit the open option. Anyhoo...I succeeded. Door just posed


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