**** DONE: GB-58 1/48 F6F-5N Nightfighter - Night Fighters all Eras

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ralph, in these cases I put vallejo plastic putty in the hole, before it dries with a modeling scraper I remove the excess and it continues to dry in a little less than 1 minute and it remains a silo without sanding or anything,View attachment 721752
This is what I use as well for minor holes and gaps, although the US version, which should be the same. I usually apply a bead and immediately wipe with a Q-tip anf follow with another that has been dipped in water. Too large a gap and shrinkage occurs requiring a second application
Primer on. Next, before the final Navy Blue coat, I'll fit the long guns and fill the small attach gaps on them. The small, carpet fodder, parts have yet to be attached either, waiting for the final decal level and then attach with some color touch up.

On the 'small' parts. Anyone else have a suspicion that the kit manufactures just 'have' to include something, regardless of scale, to hinder (frustrate) those of us that are now digitally challenged? Those details that were molded in with the 1/72 scale kits are now larger details (1/48 and 1/32), but separate parts and usually very small, and lose-able.

If you guys don't like what Eduard is doing with regard to small parts then don't buy their kits. Others, like me, appreciate their efforts to replicate fine details as close to scale as possible.
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the fine details that Eduard puts into their kits, that's why I have a shelf full of them. But was breaking up G46/G10 details really that necessary?? And I'm still looking for the G18 part somewhere in the bowls of the 'carpet monster'. And if I do find it I'm not sure where it's attached, or how to attach in the space allocated?

My comment was, maybe fell flat, but a joke about the collusion to hinder. As each year goes by though the parts do become smaller; even in the same kit.

The small details always are a trouble. Most of them have been put down by the carpet-monsters. Also as memo serves the problem already has appearad when the plastic kits consisted of nine pieces only.

Regarding the G10 and G46 ... Ralph , these are a shock absorber scissors limiting its protrusion while not weighted.

the source: the net.
Clear Tamiya (supposed to be shiny!) coat on. Decals in a few days and then the clear parts. Lord I hope the CM doesn't get any of those. Some are T-tiny and will NEVER be found.

Not sure I like Mr. Color AQUEOUS paints yet? Had to go that route since Tamiya and Vallejo had nothing close, color wise, and I did not want to start mixing. The paint itself may be good, and the applicator (me) no so much. I tried straight out of the jar, some thinner, some retarder (in step order) and still wound up with what I call an unacceptable 'pebbly' finish. The Tamiya clear did seem to tame that down some and hoping after the finish semi coat it will be acceptable. Maybe it needs to be super thinned with a double dose of retarder?

Wellll! I guess one should never give up! Mr, Roomba (Not Mr. Bissell, yes we have two) was allowed in my office/build room. And lo and behold looks what it found. Not showing the other 'nasties' it also found, but this is amazing. Now I have both. And I am still a bit confused on its intended location? Looking at the Eduard instructions it is not the same piece (I think?) that Andy pointed out? But again, with the assembly done and the space really tight it may not be possible to attach (G18/B20) and would become like so many cockpit elements, hidden.

Don - you have one of these, you sure seem to need one?

Thanks, I don't even let my wife in MY room!

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