**** DONE: P-51D "Millie G" Lt. Col. E. B. Giller 343rd FS - Aircraft of the Aces GB

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Thanks again guys!
I finished the major painting tonight.
First 2 pictures show the masking to spray the Floquil Bright Silver. I then did the panels around the exhaust in Testors Metalizer Buffing Stainless Steel. The rest of the pictures show it after the masks were removed - always my favorite part of the build – and was happy to find that I didn't screw up somewhere. Next thing to do is a coat of Future on the "painted" areas, then decals.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments.

I just counted up the colors and there are eight different colors on it right now not including the interior, and I think this is the most colors I've ever done in a paint scheme. I'm very surprised that it's come off so well. Only one very small spot to touch up on the radiator intake where the tape came loose and some silver got on the green.
Glenn, were the panels you pick out to paint in a different shade of aluminium chosen at random or did those panels end up a different shade on the P-51's anyway ?
A mixture of both. The panels around the exhaust always look darker in pictures. The control surfaces wingtips and gun panel covers sometimes look a little different also. I painted a few more panels at random to give it a little more "character". I tried to make logical choices for these panels picking ones that look to be somewhat different than the surrounding panels. With planes like the Boeing 247 I did, the choice is a lot easier as there are plenty of photos that show many differences in panel shades.
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I put on the last coat of Future last night and started the decals today. As can be seen in the first picture thing didn't go well with the second checker decal. It stuck in the wrong place and ripped when I tried to move it. Fortunately the decal set had 3 sets of the checkers for the 3 aircraft options. Things went better after that, and I managed to get the red cheat lines on without too much trouble. Picture 2 shows this along with the name and a few other decals on the nose.

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