**** DONE: PCM 1/32 Fw190A-1 Brown 1 Oblt.Walter Schneider 6/JG26 (4 Viewers)

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
1/32 Fw190A-1

User Name : Wayne Little
Category : Non Competing Judge
Entry : 1/32 Focke Wulf Fw190A-1 by Pacific Coast Models
Kit : is made up of plastic, Resin and Photo-etch parts so there are not really any accessories to add!
For a full break down of components refer to the link below.
Large Scale Planes - Pacific Coast Models 1/32 Fw190A-1/2/3

The subject aircraft was flown by Oblt. Walter Schneider Staffel Kapitan of 6/JG26 November 1941. This Fw190A-1 was one of the first to enter service with JG26 as it's W.Nr. 027 suggests, Oblt. Schneider claimed a total of 20 victories, the last on the 23rd November 1941, it was one of the very few A-1's to carry victory markings...

Schneider led 6./JG26 up until his death on 22 December 1941 when, becoming disorientated in fog during a transfer flight, he and four of his pilots flew into a hill and were all killed. On 2 January 1942, he was posthumously awarded the German Cross in Gold.


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Dora, Dora, Dora. Nice one Wayne and a nice looking kit going to enjoy watching you work this one. Simply love that work stand in the component breakdown link.
Ok, here we go....the first alteration to produce an A-1 version is to close up the cooling 'gill's' these did not appear until the A-2 so first thing was a bit of filing in the gills to accept the plug which was glued in place, this was followed by some superglue filler and then sanding the area down to a smooth finish.


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Hi Wayne,
I remember having seen some time ago something that could be of some interest for your new build.
I did a quick search and here they are:
Two photos of "Brown 1" taken from Peter Rodeike's book "Focke Wulf Jagdflugzueg Fw 190 A Fw 190 "Dora" Ta 152 H"

I think they could be of some interest for you if you do not have the above book.

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