Since that I've decided for this one....
Fw-190 D-9, W.Nr. 600174 from 1./JG 26 'White 13' and flown by Uffz. Jesinger Wilhelm, who went MIA in 24/12/1944, Huy south east said to be shot down by P-38's from 367th FG, around 11.30am...
Seeing that she's a Fiesler bird, built between Okt-44 and Dec-44, I was wondering, can I use the 'White 13' from EagleCals EC#126, or is that the wrong shape etc., both the W. Nr. 600174 and W. Nr. 210982 are from I./JG26, I can imagine that camouflage might be slightly different, '174 being Fiesler and '982 being Focke Wulf, but what about that '13'?
D-9 210001 - 210300 (300) Sep-44 to Dez-44
D-9 210901 - 211200 (300) Nov-44 to Jan-45
D-9 211901 - 211950 ( 50) Jan-45
D-9 212101 - 212170 ( 70) Jan-45 to Feb-45
D-9 213081 - 213100 ( 20) Mar-45
D-11 220001 - 220017 ( 17) Feb-45 to Mar-45
D-9 400201 - 400320 (120) Nov-44 to Feb-45
D-9 400601 - 400640 ( 40) Dez-44 to Jan-45
D-9 401351 - 401400 ( 50) Dez-44 to Feb-45
D-13 836001 - 836020 ( 20) Mar-45
Mimetall, Erfurt
D-9 500001 - 500125 (125) Dez-44
D-9 500371 - 500440 ( 70) Dez-44 to Jan-45
D-9 500551 - 500700 (150) Jan-45 to Mar-45
D-9 600121 - 600180 ( 60) Okt-44 to Dez-44
D-9 600301 - 600450 (150) Dez-44
D-9 600601 - 600670 ( 70) Dez-44 to Jan-45
D-9 600761 - 600810 ( 50) Jan-45
D-9 600981 - 601110 (130) Feb-45 to Mar-45 *
D-9 601221 - 601350 (130) Mar-45 *
D-9 601411 - 601480 ( 70) Mar-45
D-9 601801 - 601810 ( 10) Mar-45 to Apr-45
D-9 601961 - 601980 ( 20) Mar-45 to Apr-45
*D-9's sent to Daimler Benz for D-15 conversion
11-Mar-45 601071
12-Mar-45 601098,601093,601096,601075,601089,601102
13-Mar-45 601063,601079,601289,601104,601286
14-Mar-45 601099
16-Mar-45 601068
17-Mar-45 601080