Doras Galoras - Unofficial GB

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ok made a start, got the cockpit done

and put the fuselage together, this was very badly fitted at the instrument panel shroud and the nose gun cowl does not sit right so i think i might have to add a spacer to the nose !

Woah, never had a DML/Dragon D-9 fuselage fit that badly (but I always glued them together rear section first, then nose section, to help avoid the 'banana fuselage sides' factor)...
Woah, never had a DML/Dragon D-9 fuselage fit that badly (but I always glued them together rear section first, then nose section, to help avoid the 'banana fuselage sides' factor)...

worst fitting kit i have built so far !

once the cockpit tub was in place the fit of the top cowl was a little better, had to put a spacer bar under the tub to get the fuselage to meet the wings but looks not to bad now !

Yeah, spacing the fuselage out at the wing roots is the only real fit issue I've ever had with the DML/Dragon kits - and going down that path, you can get a VERY neat join indeed... I normally spacer the fuselage out to the point where I just need to slightly file/chamfer the wing roots to make the wings fit.

cheers guys, bit of a pain to get things to fit properly but nothing a bit of time and fetteling didn't fix.

decal instructions call for RLM 75 / 82 on the wing and RLM 83 / 75 on the fuselage, what do you guys think ?
Some rapid progress there Karl. I updated page 1 to show you've now started your build.

Re the colours, I can only quote you what Crandall has suggested for the 400 series:

Wings Light Gray and 83. (The light gray he talks about does not have an RLM colour number but it looks close to the Medium Sea Gray used on the underside of the British aircraft, maybe a tad darker). Possibly also 75/83 which is what he says for the fuselage and tail plane uppers.
Re: the Camo, Japo seems to suggests RLM76 over RLM83 for the wings (and thus, possibly a slightly darker looking RLM76) and an RLM82/83 fuselage upper camo - but it is a 400xxx series machine, which are the tricky ones! Arguably you could go any number of combinations (I've even heard of suggestions of RLM02/81 wings), particulaty with this a/c as, as far as I can remember, very few pictures exist...

Actually Wayne here has a point - I don't remember seeing any 400-series on my Lists of JG 301 D-9's (mostly 21xxxx and 500xxx, if memory serves - I am not at home or near my list spreadsheets).

There are pro's and cons to this of course - a 'cowl demarcation' does not a confirmed manufacturer reveal (as power eggs were dropped and swapped all the time - esp on the later a/c); for this we really need to see the main body of the fuselage. Wings were often swapped, tail units replaced, power eggs changed, etc. The next con is that the 500-series is where Japo and EE diverge the most; Japo suggests the 'cream' RLM76 (or 'Light RLM02') colour, with a mostly RLM81 fuselage pattern (with RLM81/76, RLM81/82 or RLM81/83 wings, depending on a/c), where as EE suggests a much 'greener' appearance.

The pro's are the available references show almost thing you want them to show - OK, you're probably stretching things a little if you want to suggest one of the 600-series RLM74/75/76 D-9's (ie, white fuselage Balkenkreuz), but beyond that, there is very little that you could do within the known D-9 limits, that would not be considered reasonable...

I will double check what I have on hand once I am home - net there is busted ATM; hopefully will be fixed by the time I get home.

thanks Chaps, i remember doing the Academy 1/72 version in 75/83 but will appreciate a nudge in the right direction !

my next question was going to be the undersides and lower fuselage traditional RLM 76 or the "sky" type shade ?
also any thoughts on the lower wings, fully or part painted and what shade of 76 ?
Well, if its a 500-series as Wayne/Japo suggests, then you're likely best (off the top of my head) using the creamy toned RLM76; as for bare metal, you'd be pretty safe with the rear half the of the wing in bare metal. Leading edge of the wing underside (please Wayne Jump in here - again, not home so going off memory) will be in one of the two upper wings colours.

Actually, in reference to my earlier statement about 600-series a/c, that scheme would also be valid in fact; I can remember seeing a 600/601-series a/c in the background of the picture (the II./JG 301 chap, giving the briefing - that photo; Japo incorrectly ID's the a/c as a 'Ta 152 in the background') - so even the RLM74/75/76 (White Fuselage Hakenkreuz) scheme is valid, if we do not have a confirmed WNr or Identifying Fuselage Camo patterns to go from.

The portion of visible cowling certainly does show a wavy line consistent with repainting as per other 500 series Doras but as you say Dan need to see more...
If it is a 500 Series then 81 forward lower wing and rear NMF would be the go with the 76 control surfaces...and likely the "creamy toned 76 on the fuselage....

I have read discussion on this aircraft where a code number was mentioned also, can't remember where though...
As the 262 is drawing to a close I will be making a start on my dora this weekend , should make some nice progress as " er indoors" has exams and is mostly studying ....

Some great work on here , hoping to follow some of the advice and tips

so how does this sound ?

RLM 83/75 fuselage uppers

RAF sky looking RLM 76 lower fuselage

if lower wing leading edges are RLM81 would that make the upper wings and tail RLM81/75 (or lighter shade as suggested by Andy)what pattern ?

RLM 81/NMF lower wings with control surfaces and lower tail surfaces in RLM76

any thoughts
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Seeing that 'my' D-9 (WNr. 600174), White 13, piloted by Uffz Wilhelm Jesinger, 1./JG 26 was shot down and reported as MIA, on 24/12/1944 at 11.30 hours, by someone (P-38J/L?) from 367th FG, south east of Huy(?), is there a way to find out who shot him down? Was thinking maybe add the P-38 (if possible) to the D-9...

Huy south east
Fw-190 D-9
1./JG 26 'White 13'
Uffz Wilhelm Jesinger ( MIA )
P-38 367FG - 11.30
Could this be when he was shot down?

From Wiki:

On Christmas Eve the 367th, after escorting C-47s on a re-supply drop at Bastogne, conducted an armed reconnaissance of the Trier area. The 394th Squadron was jumped by FW 190s and a 40 minute air battle ensued in which Lt Jessie DeFrance bailed out of his burning P-38 and was taken prisoner, Lt Baxter was killed and Lieutenants Croker and Mygatt were badly shot up but were able to return to base. The Group claimed eight destroyed and two probably destroyed and nine damaged. On Christmas Day, Lt Harry Curtis was killed while strafing half-tracks behind the Battle of the Bulge.

I take it that Huy, is Huy in Belgium?

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