Yes, I suppose that's true. If anyone has facts to the contrary, let him stand up now!
This weekend is 4 days long for me but Sat, Sunday, Monday are supposed to be complete washouts. If my Monday tee time turns out to be wet, I should get plenty done in the next 4 days so looking forward to posting some good progress shots.
Damn right - as long as you maintain that B&W tonal difference in the colours you use, its pretty hard to fault someone!
As for the wings, if you're going the RLM75/83 scheme remember that i) this was the EARLY scheme (intermediate is supposedly RLM82/83 and late is RLM81/82) ii) there are occurances of what is supposedly RLM81 and lighter/faded RLM75 (possibly a bad batch of paint that didnt colour correctly or faded REALLY fast) on the mid-500-series a/c (such as 500666), and iii) seeing as you've done your horizontal tails in RLM82/83, it would be quite fair to do your wings in RLM82/83, with RLM81 roots...
Of course thats your call and I'm not endorsing one path over another, just sharing - as you've said "If anyone has facts to the contrary, let him stand up now!"
Totally understand the whole weekend write-off thing too... I'm GAGGING to get this D-15 done, but have assignments and etc to finish for monday (writing a simple little 3D renderer application), so I'm making little headway either...