Dream house in a dream location. Where would you live?

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after 50 some years snow and frigid temps are starting to lose their luster at a break neck pace. taxes and government meddling are starting to really P!$$ me off and there is no relief in sight for that.....going 3rd world....warm, sunny 3rd world. bought 5 acres in belize. my taxes are $25.00 usd a year....they make a really good spiced rum....just legilized pot for personal comsumption (i dont smoke but might want to some day..lol)...because it was british honduras they speak a fair amount of english...your wealth will double and cost of living cut by 2/3rds ( if you are from the us). i am 1/4 mile from an airport...they have reasonable aviation laws so i can own and fly a light sport ac. i am a hop, a skip, and a jump away from babes in bikinis and some of the best scuba diving in the world. i can own and carry a firearm if i so wish. the crime where i picked is no better or worse than the rural area i live now. did i mention they make rum???
after 50 some years snow and frigid temps are starting to lose their luster at a break neck pace. taxes and government meddling are starting to really P!$$ me off and there is no relief in sight for that.....going 3rd world....warm, sunny 3rd world. bought 5 acres in belize. my taxes are $25.00 usd a year....they make a really good spiced rum....just legilized pot for personal comsumption (i dont smoke but might want to some day..lol)...because it was british honduras they speak a fair amount of english...your wealth will double and cost of living cut by 2/3rds ( if you are from the us). i am 1/4 mile from an airport...they have reasonable aviation laws so i can own and fly a light sport ac. i am a hop, a skip, and a jump away from babes in bikinis and some of the best scuba diving in the world. i can own and carry a firearm if i so wish. the crime where i picked is no better or worse than the rural area i live now. did i mention they make rum???

Sounds ideal Bobby. Got everything you need :)
Great place to live! I'm too old and knackered to go back there, but another ex-Army mate would love to buy a place there and settle down. Although I have heard there've been a lot of changes, and the drug gangs seem to be on the up.
yeah that is mostly in belize city....which is like going to detroit or even some of the worse parts of any big city. if your buddy is serious have him check out this site. its who i used and they are pretty good...

belize real estate ~ tropic real estate property for sale belize central america

this parcel looks to be a pretty decent deal....

Belize real estate ~ Tropic Real Estate property for sale Belize Central America

plus there is a HUGE mennonite community there that build houses out of hardwood ( its termite-proof). ~27k usd will get you a 20ft x 40ft finished house ...delivered and set up. if he wants more info let me know....
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I'd go back to my rocky mountains in Colorado. Not too hot, not too cold. Just enough snow to let you know its winter, then it melts.

Then there is the rocky mountain high...:hippy2: No weed just good air... or what there is of it at that altitude. :)
Bobby, you are a brave man. Living in a foreign country as a foreigner where you have no rights whatsoever, where the government can change overnight, and policies along with them take a lot of courage. While the US is far from perfect it at least has a stable government and a Bill of Rights.
As for the rest, I have mydream house and a dream location, not perfect but the pluses far outweigh the negs. A big house, lots of room, neighbors far away, about 100yds from an 85mi long lake with my own dock and boats, water so cler you can see 2ft or more, sensible gun laws, my own shooting range complete with venison targets, a fantastic view night and day. So I have my dream finally


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To quote Blackadder Mike 'you lucky lucky lucky bastard'.... :)

That is some place you got and I'm glad for you that you realised the dream.
Many thanks to all of you, took me 65 years to get out of ILL-Noise but it was all worth it now. My third year here now and I hate having to go back even for a few days to see the kids. Summers are hot, it is 95F (35C) right now but the humidity is 29% and up on the ridge there is almost always a breeze. Last night we sat on the deck and watched the fireworks display sot from the dam plus the displays from about 3 other towns on the horizon
Only 29% humidity? Is that normal where you live. I've spent a lot of time in Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Misery, Florida, and Kentucky. And the humidity was the killer for me.

I do have to say so, sir. That looks to be a beautiful home you have, man. Just wonderful. Good on you, Mike.
There is an airport about 6mi away where all the Big-Bucks keep their Lear Jets. Generally there are at least three there except on holidays. Yesterday I counted seven plus 4 or 5 two engine turbo-props. One cove over is a guy who has his own seaplane. Watched him land on the lake two days ago. Must be nice
Matt that has been the norm here except lately. The last two weeks of June reminded me of ILL-Noise. Dew points were 74-75F and it was miserable during the day and even at midnight temps were 85F. The lake water was at 86F so taking a swim did not do much to cool off. So far temps are coming back up but the humidity is staying low so we cool off quite a bit at night
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While you do acclimate somewhat. Heat + Humidity is a real bitch. Even here in the EXTREMELY mild pacific northwest, summers can get relatively hot 85F-95F for weeks. Now that may not seem all that hot, nobody has air conditioning up here. I bet less <0.05% of housing has air conditioning.

Well not this fat man!!!! Bwuuuhahahahahahhh! I bought a heat pump baby!
Great stuff guys, great stuff!!
Maybe I should try to wrestle those 800 square meters of my dad, which bought on Dominica back in the 60's, some thing that his bank had back then. Swedes are the biggest minority on that island IIRC.....
800 square meter, what's that in square feet, found that it's about 8612 square feet...
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Is that your dream house lads?? Thought that you two, would have bigger ambitions than that, but if living in outhouse makes you happy, who am I to judge?

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