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Frank E McCauley 56th Fighter Group 61st FS Flew 46 missions 5.5 victories Zemkes Wolfpack. Flew Republic P-47C-2-RE 41-6271 41-6271WW Rat Race salvaged Dec 4, 1944

Picture of Rat Race eBay: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

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They obviously were in France when these shots were taken...........
Shampers is a giveaway.
Dont think so. It was quite common to fly over to meet and greet and party.If this is indeed JG51: In November 1942, II. / JG 51 was transferred to the Mediterranean theatre, fighting over Tunisia, Sicily and Italy before leaving for Sardinia in April 1943 Jagdgeschwader 51 - Wikipedia

Besides Italy has also some very good bubbles i can tel you.
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Howard D Raab Grave stone. + 11-10-1944 Wednesday 96th Bomb Group 338th Bomb Squadron Ball turret gunner

Killed in Action (KIA) Mid-Air collison with #42-03150 and #43-37684 crashed west of Towcester, Eng. on 11 Oct 44. All killed DNB. Howard D Raab | American Air Museum

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Franz Xaver Wenniger + 11-06-1944 JG5

KIA 11 June, 1944; sd by a P-38 of 338FS, 55FG; piloted by 2/Lt Thomas Schank, over the invasion front in the Beauvais-Clermont France area (C.König). One known victory, a B-24 at Celle on 8 April, 1944.

Thomas Daniel Schank
Flight leader 338th FS 55th FG April 1944 - Oct 1944
5 air kills (5 x ME-109) + 3 damaged (ME-109).
P-38J s/n 42-104106 CL+T "Stinger"
P-51D s/n 44-13668 CL+I "Rocky Mt. Carany"
TSgt Olen Popple-crew chief Thomas Daniel Schank | American Air Museum

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Usaaf Roberts Johnson P-47 P-47D-21-RE Penrod and Sam LM : Q a/c serial 42-25512, 2 victories. This plane was named after Booth Tarkington's boys' novel of the same name, matching Johnson's crew chief's surname (Penrod) and his own middle name (Samuel). Robert S. Johnson - Wikipedia


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