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German Hauptmann Wilfried Reinwald vom Stab III./Jagdgeschader 3 UDET, Jagdfliegerschule Schleißheim, 6./Jagdgeschwader 2 RICHTHOFEN, 2./Jagdgruppe Drontheim, 1./Jagdfliegerschule 3, 1./Jagdgeschwader 103, 3./Jagdgeschwader 104, II./Jagdgeschwader 110: JG104 in Grove

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A fantastic history album! I can't understand why the family would sell.
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If you scroll down, each page with photos and inscription appears. If only copies were sold, the seller would lose his 100% rating.
If you scroll down, each page with photos and inscription appears. If only copies were sold, the seller would lose his 100% rating.

It hasn't been difficult to make a such inscription at all. Using the "patinated" album book and an old pen you may create Leonardo da Vinci's family photo album.
Have you ever been developing of photographs and run off images? Usually copies are made with a tool called a masking frame. It allows to have the nice, white "frame" around the shot. It is because the photocopying paper is protected against the light exposing. If you don't use the tool the picture has either the black "frame" around or the photo covers the entire area of the paper sheet. In my youth time I run off photos a lot using a photo enlarger and the masking frame made myself and later a quite profesional stuff. Certainly the album can be a mix of copies and orginal pics. But I haven't seen photos made 80 years ago being so white and clean. About a couple of other things I don't mention at all. So what we have here ...

Here we have the two "frames" that are very characteristic for a photocopy made with a Xerox machine. IMHO these are copies of the copies. As we speak in Poland ... zrobić album każdy może, jeden lepiej, drugi gorzej ...

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