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Joseph Heinzeller 3./JG2 June 1942 Schnauzl , Old chap SCHNAUZL" (no 'E') was Frau Heinzeller's nickname, before the terrier.
His Fw 190A-2 WNr.0325 "gelbe 13" was damaged 16 .June 1942 ( 16-06-1942 Tuesday ) by a Spitfire in combat near Portsmouth, resulting in a significant oil leak, coating the entire fuselage, but he was able to return to base. Heinzeller described his formerly-beautiful bird now looking like "an oil sardine." This machine was later passed along to the JGr. West, where it was written-off 12.March 1944, after overturning in a landing, Flg. Horst Röstel, injured.

notice the oil from engine to tail

a bit earlier it looked better.

  1. HyperScale Forums-What's up with Schnauzl on the Bf-109E-3 and Fw-190A-2?
  2. T967 Foto Wehrmacht Archiv Repro Luftwaffe Flugzeug Fw190 Emblem Schnauzl | eBay
  3. T966 Foto Wehrmacht Archiv Repro Luftwaffe Flugzeug Fw190 Emblem Schnauzl | eBay
  4. T965 Foto Wehrmacht Archiv Repro Luftwaffe Flugzeug Fw190 3./JG 2 Ofw. Heinzelle | eBay
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Oh yes, know them very well. Top photo shows pilot Unteroffizier. Balthasar Aretz (left) and his Bordfunker Gefreiter Rolf Schilleng on their Bf 110 D of 2. Staffel, Erprobungsgruppe 210.
Second photo shows the same two (Aretz left & Schilleng right) at Calais-Marck following the second raid on Croydon airfield on 31st August 1940. This Bf 110 D-0/B, S9+EK, W. Nr. 3568, was damaged in combat and send off to a repair facility. Here it is at the repair facility. You can see the W. Nr. etched on the port side canopy.

The original photos are from the collection of Balthasar Aretz, who very kindly allowed me to copy all of his photos for my book on Erprobungsgruppe 210. I suspect these 'repros' have been lifted from my work. Balthasar Aretz survived the war; Rolf Schilleng was posted missing on a noctural mission off the East Anglian coast on 12th May 1941. Balthasar was wounded in action on 5th October 1940 and hospitalised for about 3 months. Rolf then flew with other pilots.
Here's a photo of Balthasar with Erprobungsgruppe 210 during the Battle of Britain in 1940:

And me with Balthasar at a reunion in the 1980s:

Rolf Schilleng:

Unfortunately, I had one of the worst experiences in all of my research years when chatting to Balthasar one time at a reunion.
He asked me if I knew what had happened to Rolf.
I said 'Yes'.
He asked me if he was still alive, and could I put him in touch with Rolf.
I had to break the news to him that Rolf had been missing in action since 12th May 1941. I cannot describe the abject misery that came across his face for a few seconds. I just had to sit in silence with him...
This is the side of research that people don't see...
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Top photo: Pilot Balthasar Aretz in the Med Theatre when flying with 8./ZG 26.
Middle photo: Another from Balthasar's collection that I used in my book showing Aretz (left) and Schilleng in front of a Bf 110 D fighter-bomber of 2. Staffel, Erprobungsgruppe 210.
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English Original WW2 photograph of a pilot of the Royal Air Force, standing next to DH82 Tiger Moth aircraft, presumably at a RAF flying training school. Notes on reverse indicate "W/O R.M. Gray, 1939; P/O 16 Jan 1943; ----- 29 Jan 1943". Pilot Officer Robert Malcolm Gray was killed in action on 29th January 1943. This was on the first operational sortie of the newly re-formed No.166 Squadron RAF, which was flying Wellington bomber aircraft

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