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German Oberleutnant der Luftwaffe Eberhard Graf von Treuberg
Treuberg, Eberhardt Fischler Graf von IA 1 January, 1945 during the attack on Eindhoven airfield. He was shot down northeast of Eindhoven by Sq. Ldr. Gordon Monnacott, of RAF No. 414 Sq. (Canadian). The body of Oblt. Treuberg was never found. WIA 30 May, 1943 during aerial combat, no location repoorted. His first known Soviet victory. a LaGG-3 on 29 April, 1943. An Il-2 on 29 May, 1943. A P-39 on 20 October, 1943. A Soviet P-39 on 30 October, 1943. Two Il-2s on 22 November, 1943. A LaGG on 7 May, 1944. A LaGG-5 on 20 May, 1944. A P-39 on 30 May, 1944. A P-39 on 31 May, 1944. One known western victory, a Spitfire 5 km NE of Vire on 16 July, 1944. Another, a P-51 at Villers-Bocage on 18 July, 1944. A double victory on 26 July, 1944, both P-38s at Ränes. A Spitfire at Broglie on 27 July, 1944. A P-38 over northern France on 14 August, 1944. A P-47 at Lommersum on 18 December, 1944.

  1. Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
  2. Oberleutnant der Luftwaffe Eberhard Graf von Treuberg.
German Nightfighter NJG NJG3 Martin Drewes 20 October 1918 – 13 October 2013

Credited with 52 victories of which 43 were claimed at night whilst flying variants of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighter. The majority of his victories were claimed over the Western Front in Defence of the Reich missions against the Royal Air Force's Bomber Command.


American P-38 Lightning 13th Air Force named pilots. Don Liverey, Glenn Starmer, Edwin Studley, Eugene Pafford, Harry Jordan, Bill Harris, Truman Barner

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German Ludwig Hofmann + 22-06-1943 Tuesday Flugzeugführer in e. Fern - Aufkl. - Staffel.

Hofmann, Ludwig Uffz 1923 2(F)/11 (6/43) Ju 88D-1 Werk # 430503 (lost 6/22/43) EK 1 & 2, Observer Operational Clasp in bronze KIA 22 June, 1943; heavily damaged on a reconnaissance mission, and on one engine, he attempted a landing at the Kharkov North airfield, but crashed, killing all four crew members. Remaining crew: Lt Josef Tschope, Obs; Gefr Helmut Bruntsch, R/O and Gefr Friedrich Arbe, Gnr. The four deceased are buried on the German Soldatenfriedhof, Kharkov, Russia (C.König).

  1. Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
  2. Sterbebild 2.WK. Uffz. u. Flugzeugführer in e. Fern - Aufkl. - Staffel. | eBay
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German Gruppenkommandeur Hauptmann Josef Priller Jagdgeschwader 26 JG26

17 februari 1943 Wednesday Eichenlaubträger Major Priller. Kommodore eines Jagdgeschwaders, bespricht mit seinen Männern die Erfahrungen eines Luftkampfes an der Kanalküste.

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German Hauptmann Erwin Fischer,

18 februari 1943 Thursday Das Eichenlaub erstmalig für einen Fernaufklärer. Der Führer verlieh dem Hauptmann Erwin Fischer, Staffelkapitän in einer Fernaufklärungsgruppe, das Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernern Kreuzes als 191. Soldaten der deutschen Wehrmacht.

German hauptman Egmond prinz zur Lippe- weissenfeld major Helmut Lent; reichsmarschall Herman Goring;major Hajo Herrman major Manfred Meurer. Taken in Rastenburg.


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