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Denkmal für die gefallene Piloten der I./ Zerstörergeschwader 76 in 1940, dabei auch Gruppenkommandeur Hptm. Günther Reinecke, gefallen am 30. April 1940 westlich Sola, Norwegen

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John Vasco John Vasco

Stab I./ZG76 Messerschmitt Bf110C, M8+AB, W. Nr. 1399. Shot down by return fire during attack on RAF Wellingtons and crashed in the North Sea 20 km west of Stavanger 7.40 p.m. Pilot Hptm. Günther Reinecke (Gruppenkommandeur), and Bordfunker Gefr. Enno Gruschwitz both missing
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English Arthur Travers Harris 29-07-1943 Thursday



Third RAF raid 29/30 July.Hamburg was only attacked in the night of 28 July by four Mosquitos executing a nuisance raid, a raid by the main force was impossible because of the smoke of the previous bombardment which would hide target indicators. On 29 July a photo reconnaissance Spitfire from No. 542 Squadron RAF reported good weather and no problems with smoke so a third RAF raid was ordered. 777 bombers took off, of which 707 reached Hamburg. There were still fires burning which made visual marking possible, but still the Pathfinders used H2S radar to execute their markings. The Pathfinders missed the aiming point by two miles and marked a district South of the region destroyed in the previous raid. Bombers flew in from the North and because a creepback of four miles developed, the districts Barmbek and Wandsbek were very hard hit. Small fires developed easily into large fires as by this time the firefighting effort had collapsed because of the earlier raids. The Germans did not record specific data for this raid, the number of victims is unknown but on this night 370 people died by carbon monoxide poisoning in a large public shelter

  1. 1943 Sir Arthur Harris Air Chief Marshall Bomber Command Photograph Hamburg Ops | eBay
  2. Bombing of Hamburg in World War II - Wikipedia
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German Hptm Robert Kowalewski, 8.41 - 9.43



Kowalewski, Robert Obstlt 3/15/1914 Berlin 2 Führungskette X Fliegerkorps (9/40 Oslo), Kdr II/KG-26(5/41), Kdr III/KG-40(9/43), Kdr ZG-76(1/44), Stab/NJG-1, Kdr KG-76 (3/45) He 111H-3 Wk# 3253 "P4 + BA" (30% dam 9/11/40) His ac was damagedin X Fliegerkorps, Ju 88A-5 Werk # 4389 "??" (lost 12/22/42) in KG-40, Bf 110 & Me 410 in ZG -76, Ar 234 in KG-76

Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(7/10/42)

EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Bomber & Destroyer Operational Clasp RK for a great number of special anti-shipping missions. Flew with Harlinghausen. Served on the Staff of the X Fliegerkorps. While in the X Flgrkorps, on 11 September, 1940, he is known to have suffered engine trouble following an operation to Moray Firth, Scotland, in Wk# 3253. The ac was damaged in a subsequent landing accident (Oslo?), no report on crew disposition (Source: SIG Norway & D.Drury). On 22 December, 1942, he and his unnamed crew were injured when they crashed at the Cognac airfield after an engine fire (Ju 88 Loss List). At wars end, he served as Kdr KG-76 flying the Ar 234. 280 combat missions. Deceased 5 July, 1996, Herdecke.

  1. Kampfgeschwader 40
  2. RK Portrait Foto LW Major KG40 Hohe Orden Narvik Schild Flugzeugführer FFsp. Top | eBay
  3. Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
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German Heinrich Bleckhausen aus Martinstein bei Kreuznach, Obergefreiter und Bordfunker des Luftdienstkommando 1/6 in Münster-Loddenheide, gefallen am 14. November 1941 bei Absturz in Rixbeck, bei Lippstadt. 14-11-1941 Friday




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German Herman Josef Forst aus Andorf, Unteroffizier der 8./ Kampfgeschwader 40 ua mit D^K, verstorben am 21. Oktober 1944 21-10-1944 Sarurday nach Absturz im Luftwaffen-Lazarett Trondheim, Norwegen.



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German Andreas Bogensperger + 14-08-1941 Thursday . Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 7./NJG 1 Luftwaffe Wrknr 440069 G9+LR .
The plane was shot down in an aerial combat, the crew lost their lives. They were initially buried in Enschede. Today the crew rests in the Ysselsteyn cemetery.


0230 Magele, east of Den Ham

Flugzeugführer / Lt. M. Bogensperger / grave Q-10-242
Bordfunker / Ogfr. A. Neuhaus / grave Q-10-243
Bordschütze / Ogfr. G. Beese / grave Q-10-244

  1. Results
  2. Accident Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 440069, Saturday 17 June 1944
  3. 2. WK Death Card Sterbebild Leutnant Flugzeugführer Ysselsteyn-Friedhof (Limburg | eBay
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American Major Walter C Beckham Captain Walker Mahurin



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