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German Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum - View Single Post - Fw. Josef Kerscher + 10.10.1943 Any details please? 1943-10-10, Stab JG 50, Bf 109G-6, 20781, Bei Fl.Pl. Münster-Loddenheide, Bauchlandung infolge Motorstörung. Bruch 100 %. Flugzeugführer Fw Kerscher, Josef, +

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British ED737 Accident Avro Lancaster Mk III ED737, 17 Jun 1943

De Crash van Lancaster ED737 The Lancaster ED737 commanded by Sergeant John Binnie is part of No. 467 Squadron (RAAF). According to the operation record books, it appears that at least one aircraft experienced problems with the communication equipment during the bombing. During the flight to Cologne, the Lancaster ED737 is hit by a German night fighter. The aircraft loses altitude and explodes in mid-air. A large part of the crew does not survive the crash.

The debris caused considerable damage in and around the village of Oberkrüchten, causing several civilian casualties.
After the war in 1946, British intelligence investigates an assistant customs officer who was stationed in Oberkrüchten at the time. It becomes clear that Arthur Smith, the copilot of the plane initially survived the crash and is found wounded next to the ditch by a German officer. During interrogations, it appears that the accused was on his way to prevent illegal border traffic when the plane crashed into flames. According to several eyewitnesses, he told the copilot to raise his hands. When he didn't do this fast enough, he hit Smith with the butt of his rifle. A police officer who later arrived at the location then fetched a doctor who examined the copilot. He was then taken with a Luftwaffe ambulance to the Fliegerhorst in Münchengladbach where he died.

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