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German Hans Landry

Landry, Hans Herbert Lt 9/30/1918 Kochendorf 5 2/JG-3 (Channel 6/40), Stab I/JG-3 (8/40) Bf 109E-4 Werk # 0941 (lost 8/28/40)
EK 1 & 2 Wound Badge Fighter Operational Clasp
POW; Shot down with wounds at Church Farm, Church Whitfield, near Dover, Kent, on 28 August, 1940 and managed to bail out, though mortally wounded, and DOW 23 September, 1940. One known victory, his 1st, a Morane 406 north of Cambrai, 21 May, 1940. His 2nd, a Potez 63 near Amiens, 5 June, 1940. His 3rd, a Battle near Evreux, 14 June, 1940. His 4th, a Blenheim at St.Andre-de-lEure, 15 June, 1940. His 5th, a Hurricane on 18 August, no location. Added: He is buried at CC, Blk 5, Row 14, Gr 331 (D.Drury).



  1. Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
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German Werner Streib
Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945

Section S - Z
STREIB, Werner. (DOB: 13.06.11 in Pforzheim/Baden). (RES, DKG). 1934 began his military career with
14. (Badischen) Infantrieregiment. 01.10.35 trf to the Luftwaffe. 1936 Lt., took flight training in
Braunschweig, Göppingen, Schleissheim, Fürth and Wesendorf. 01.08.38 trf to II./JG 132. 1939
Nachr.Offz. in I./ZG 1. 30.04.40 Oblt. in 2./ZG 1. 06.06.40 appt Staka 2./ZG 1 (to 26.06.40). 26.06.40
Oblt., appt Staka 2./NJG 1 (to 07.10.40). 01.10.40 promo to Hptm. 06.10.40 awarded Ritterkreuz, Staka
2./NJG 1. 15.03.41 Mentioned in despatches (again on 05.07.41 and 31.05.42). 07.10.40 Hptm., appt
Kdr. I./NJG 1 (to 30.06.43). 10.03.41 Hptm., Stab I./NJG 1. 14/15.03.41 Hptm., Stab I./NJG 1 unhurt -
Bf 110 damaged by enemy fire in the area of Eindhoven. 04.07.41 Hptm., Stab I./NJG 1. 27.12.41
Hptm., Stab I./NJG 1. 26.02.42 Hptm., awarded DKG, I./NJG 1. 26.02.43 Maj., awarded Eichenlaub,
Kdr. I./NJG 1. 09.04.43 Maj., Stab I./NJG 1. 05.05.43 lost Bf 110 G-4 crashed vic Hegelsom, NW of
Venlo. 11/12.06.43 lost He 219 A-0 (G9+FB) crashed at Venlo a/f, cause unknown [reputedly due to
hydraulic failure while attempting to land after the first operation mission of a He 219 - 5 victories].
01.07.43 Maj., appt Kommodore NJG 1 (to 01.03.44). 04.12.43 Maj., Stab/NJG 1. 11.03.44 Maj.,
awarded Schwerter, Kommodore NJG 1. 16.03.44 appt Inspekteur der Nachtjagd/RLM (to 08.05.45).
01.05.44 promo to Obstlt. 18.07.45 Obstlt., Insp.Nachtjagd, held or wanted by the Americans of the Allied
Control Commission - last known whereabouts: unknown. 15.09.45 Obstlt., Insp.d./Nachtjagd, held or
wanted by SHAEF Intelligence Unit (OKL) and on the APWIU Wanted List. Credited with about 150
missions and 64 night and one day victories. (n.d.) postwar, he was successful in the food industry. 03.56
joined the Bundeswehr as an Oberst, appt Kdr. FFS Landesberg. 1958 promo to Brigadegeneral, appt Kdr.
Fliegerdivision Süd. 31.03.66 was Inspizient Fliegende Verbände when he retired as a Brigadegeneral.
†15.06.86 in München. Buried in the Münchener Ostfriedhof.


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  2. Offz - S-Z Apr...nnen?term=Luftwaffe&tab=foto&page=6&Foto's=15
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German Walter Nowotny

Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section L - R
NOWOTNY, Walter ("Nowi"). (DOB: 07.12.20 in České Velenice/Gmünd on the Austria/
Czechoslovakia border). (RESB, DKG). 1938 six months work in the RAD. 26.01.39 volunteered
to serve in the Luftwaffe. 01.10.39 entered Luftwaffe and took basic training at Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 62 (to
15.11.39) and officer training at LKS 5 at Breslau-Schöngarten. 19.08.40 received his pilot's license.
(n.d.) trained at JFS 5. 15.11.40 trf to Erg.JGr. Merseberg. 01.12.40 trf to Erg.Gr./JG 54. 23.02.41
Lt., trf to 9./JG 54. c. 23.03.41 trf to Stab/Erg.JGr. 54. 01.04.41 promo to Lt. 19.07.41 Lt., 1.
(Erg)/JG 54 Bf 109 E-7 shot down by an I-153 over Riga Bay vic Ösel Island (Pl.Qu. 2818) - after 3
days in a dinghy he reached the shore. Late 1941 broke a collar bone in an auto accident while in
furlough in Königsberg. 31.07.41 Lt., 1.(Erg)/JG 54. 19.08.41 Lt., 1.(Erg.)/JG 54. 08.01.42 Erg./JG
54. 11.03.42 trf to 3./JG 54. 25.04.42 Lt., 3./JG 54. 16.05.42 Lt., 3./JG 54. 20.07.42 Lt., 3./JG 54
awarded the Ehrenpokal. 21.08.42 Lt., awarded DKG, I./JG 54. 11.08.42 Lt., 2./JG 54 WIA -
crashed Bf 109 G-2 (Black 1) when while doing a victory pass over the airfield of Rjelbitzy he ran out
of fuel - he escaped unhurt. 04.09.42 Lt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 9./JG 54. 25.10.42 appt Staka 1./JG
54 (to 15.09.43). 10.12.42 Lt., 1./JG 54. 07.01.43 Lt., 1./JG 54. 01.02.43 promo to Oblt. 02.03.43
Oblt., 1./JG 54. 03.04.43 Oblt., 1./JG 54. 01.06.43 Oblt., 1./JG 54. 11.08.43 Oblt., 1./JG 54 appt
acting Kdr. I./JG 54. 01.09.43 Oblt., Stab I./JG 54. 15.09.43 Oblt., appt Kdr. I./JG 54 (to 04.02.44).
04(05?).09.43 Oblt., Stab I./JG 54 awarded Eichenlaub, Staka 1./JG 54. 22.09.43 Hptm., Stab I./JG
54, awarded Schwerter, Kdr. I./JG 54. 01.10.43 promo to Hptm. 19.10.43 Hptm., awarded
Brillanten, Kdr. I./JG 54. 05.11.43 Hptm., Stab I./JG 54. 06.02.44 appt Kommodore JG 101
(renamed from Jagdfliegerschule I in 04.44) (to 10.09.44). 01.04.44 promo to Hptm. 01.09.44 promo
to Maj. 19.09.44 trf to Kdo.d.Erprobungsstelle d.Lw. Rechlin. 16.10..44 appt Kdr. III./JG 6 (to
26.09.44) then to Kommando Nowotny (to 08.11.44). 07.10.44 Maj., Stab III./JG 6. 08.11.44 Maj.,
Kdo. Nowotny KIA - Me 262 A-1a (White 8) shot down by P-51 Mustangs while attempting to land at
Achmer - crashed vic Bramsche [Version #2: shot down he dove vertically through clouds crashing at
Epe 2 km E of Hesepe]. 11.44 buried in an honorary grave at the Wiener Zentralfriedhof. Credited
with 258 air victories in 443 combat missions. 23.05.2003 the Red-Green Council lobbied to reduce
the status of this grave from honorary (i.e., maintained at city expense) to private. Further reading :
Held, Werner. der Jagdflieger Walter Nowotny (Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1984). ISBN: 3-87943-


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American Photo-Enlisted Man, Bob Lee; Detroit. This photo was in the collection of my late Step-Father, Robert Lee, first Curator of the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle in Detroit. He served as an enlisted man in the Army Air Forces during World War II at Keesler Field; Biloxi, Mississippi.


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wrknr 2113 Ju 88 A-4 III/KG 30 (Luftflotte 5 East) Non-OPS (H) struck ground and crashed shortly after take off (100%) at Nautsi Airfield [Finland] 05.11.1942 (F Fw. Werner Arndt, B Fw. Franz Frei, BF Uffz. Friedrich Steube and BM Ofw. Fritz Reinike killed, also ground crew Uffz. Fritz Barkenbusch of III/KG 40 killed when hit by aircraft <see LWFLV 30v08.11.42>) (rep as A4 2113 in losses)


  1. Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum - View Single Post - Kampfgeschwader 30 Junkers Ju88A-4 Information
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German Uffz Hans Freytag - WIA (so looks like he died of his wounds)
Bf-109F-4 Trop WNr 7250 11+I
Shot down by Spitfire 30Km SE Qotaifiya

At 1100 came the fifth scramble of the morning for the Axis fighters; 13 MC202s (seven of 70 Squadriglia, 23 Gruppo, led by Magg Filippi and six of 10 Gruppo led by Cap Lucchini) intercepted a large formation of bombers and fighters. Five Bf 109s of III/JG-53 also took off at this time, followed by six from II/JG-27. The former unit engaged eight Spitfires, but Uffz Freytag was shot down, baling out with severe wounds within ten minutes of taking off, while a second Messerschmitt was damaged and force-landed.

1942-10-20, 7./JG 53, Bf 109 F-4 Trop, 7250, 11 weiße, 3 km südöstlich Qutaifiya, Absturz nach Luftkampf mit P-40. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer Uffz Freytag, Hans, +
Uffz Freytag mit Fallschirm abgesprungen.
Grab: El Alamein/Äegypten, Grab 6.


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377th Fighter Magon's Maulers Sqn USAAF Stn 412 Headcorn Kent

Hit a Brace Inn

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