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6./KG2 Dornier Do17Z-3, U5+JP, W. Nr. 3613. Shot down by Capt Mauvier and Sgt Popelka of GC I/6 and crashed near Ognes, 4km west of Chauny, 3.00 p.m. FF Fw Oskar Plähn, BO Uffz Otto Frey, BF Uffz Josef Eisenhut, and BM Uffz Georg Berchtold all killed.
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German Eugen Wintergerst was born on 13 June 1915 at Lauben. He was serving with 4./JG 77 at the time of the invasion of Russia. On 24 September 1941 collided with Lt. Herwig Zuzic (13 victories, KIA 19 August 1943). Both pilots baled out into Russian captivity. Wintergerst had 20 victories to his credit at this time. Some months later Wintergerst and Zuzic were parachuted into Rumania by the Russians to act as spies. They gave themselves up to German authorities and told them they had persuaded the Russians they had defected. Wintergerst was appointed Staffelkapitän of 9./JG 1 based at Deelen in Holland on 1 April 1943. He raised his victory total to 22 but was then shot down and killed in aerial combat with RAF Spitfires on 4 September 1943, his Bf 109 G-6 (WNr 15609) "Yellow 1" crashing near Bergues, France. He was a recipient of the Ehrenpokal. Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum - View Single Post - Details concerning loss of Leutnant Eugen Bintergerft over England on 04.09.43

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German Leutnant Werner Sollner + 16-03-1943 Tuesday

He was the pilot of Ju 88 A-14, 144649, 3E+CH of 1/KG 6 which I believe collided with another from the same Staffel near Lens when they were moving from Schiphol to Beauvais Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum - View Single Post - Loss of Leutnant Werner Sollner - 16th May 1943 over England

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German Heinz Stöwer JG 11 Reichsverteidigung

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post # 20 the craft is a G-6. Ney and his crew had to bail out from this craft during Unternehmen Gisela in March of 45. Ney hit the tail and broke both his legs.

FIEBIG, Martin.
(DOB: 07.05.91 in Rösnitz/Oberschlesien).
01.05.34 entry into the Luftwaffe with a rank of Maj. and appt Kdt. Fl.H. Greifswald.
1936 promo to Obstlt.
01.03.37 Obstlt., appt Kdt. Fl.H. Fassberg.
01.10.37 Obstlt., appt Kdr. Kampffliegerschule Fassberg (to 30.06.38).
01.06.38 promo to Oberst 01.07.38 appt Kommodore KG 253.

01.05.39 appt Kommodore KG 4 (to 10.05.40).
08.05.40 awarded Ritterkreuz.
10.05.40 shot down in He 111P over Holland by Dutch Fokker G-1 fighters during a pre-dawn mission to Amsterdam, belly landed at St. Annapolder and taken prisoner.
16.05.40 appt Offizier z.b.V. im RLM (pending assignment) – with temporary duty as Kdr. of a Kampfgruppe with Pz.Gr. Guderian.
01.08.40 appt Chef für Flugsicherheit/RLM.
01.04.41 promo to Gen.Maj.
02.04.41 appt Nahkampfführer/IV. Fl.Korps while retaining his former position.
01.06.41 appt Nahkampfführer/II. Fl.Korps.
25.07.41 injured in Fi 156 crash.
15.11.41 appt Nahkampfführer 2/VIII. Fl.Korps.
01.04.42 promo to Gen.Lt.
12.04.42 appt Kdr. 1.Flieger-Div.
11.05.42 awarded DKG.
01.07.42 appt Kommandierender Gen. VIII. Fl.Korps.
23.12.42 awarded Eichenlaub (other sources state that he was nominated for the Eichenlaub but did not receive it before the war ended).
01.03.43 promo to Gen.d.Fl.
22.05.43 appt Kommandierender Gen. X. Fl.Korps.
22.05.43 concurrently appt Befehlshaber Lw.-Kdo. Südost.
01.09.44 assigned to Führerreserve OKL.
01.02.45 appt Kommandierender Gen. II. Fl.Korps.
12.04.45 appt Komm.Gen.u. Befehlshaber Lw.-Kdo. Nordost.
08.05.45 into British captivity.
06.02.46 into Yugoslavian captivity.
10.09.47 sentenced to death for alleged war crimes.
†24.10.47 executed in Belgrade.

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German BF Ogfr. Josef Ansgar Haberl + 26-06-1942 Friday

1942-06-29, 8./KG 26, Ju 88A-4, 140248, 1T+IS, Bucht von St. Stefano, Absturz in See. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer Lt Herz, Werner, verletzt
Kampfbeobachter Ogfr Schmidt, Ernst, +
Bordfunker Uffz Böttger, Walter, verletzt
Bordfunker Ogfr Haberl, Josef, +

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