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WÜNSCHE, Reinhold. 01.04.42 promo to Hptm. 26.10.42 Oblt. and Beobachter, awarded the Ehrenpokal. 06.12.43 Hptm., appt Staka 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 (to 10.44). 16.01.44 Hptm., Staka 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 unhurt - Ju 88 A-5 (G2+XH) hit by AA vic Murmansk (Version #2: belly-landed at Kirkenes due to engine failure). 13.05.44 Hptm., flew 2500th mission of 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124. 17.10.44 Hptm. and Staka 1. (F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124, KIA – Ju 88 D-1trop (G2+NH) shot down apparently by P-40s of 78. IAP over the northern White Sea off Komagvaer, 35 km NE of Vadsoe. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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Portrait der Stabsarzt Dr. Joachim ('Jonny', 'Jochen') Beese der 1.(F)/124 in Fotostudio der Bildstelle der Staffel am Flugplatz Kirkenes, Norwegen, ca. 1942-'43. Später vermutlich gefallen.


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SCHULZE, Willi. 19.10.42 Lt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 WIA - Ju 88 D-1 Trop (G2+OH) in a take-off accident at Kirkenes. 01.3.43 Lt., Erg.FAGr. assigned temporary duty with RLM (Hauptbildstelle ) (to 27.03.43). 28.03.43 Lt., Frontflieger-Sammelgruppe , trf to LKS (KON) 9. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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PLANK, Ulrich. 07.07.42 Lt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 unhurt - Ju 88 D-1 (G2+LH) damaged in an accident at Kirkenes. 24.07.42 Lt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 unhurt - Ju 88 A-5 (G2+TH) in a collision with a Bf 109 on take-off at Kirkenes. 01.07.43 in Erg.Fernaufkl.Gr., promo to Oblt. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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Oblt. Karl-Heinz Mielsch der 1.(F)/124 in Fotostudio der Bildstelle der Staffel am Flugplatz Kirkenes, Norwegen, ca. 1942-'43. Mielsch war Pilot der Beobachter Adolf Haiss; ua notgelandet in Nautsi, Eismeer, 1943 17.09.43 Oblt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr.124 unhurt - Ju 88 D-1 (G2+FH) (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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SPITZ, Anton. (D^KG). 20.07.42 Lt., awarded the Ehrepokal. 02.09.42 Lt. 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124. 29.06.43 Oblt., flew the 2,000th sortie of 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124. 01.01.45 Oblt., Aufkl.Gr. (F) 124 awarded the D^KG (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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GESSNER, Willi. 18.09.42 Oblt. in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124, injured in Ju 88 D-1 (G2+FH) take-off crash atFp. Kirkenes/N Norway due to poor ground conditions. 09.03.43 Oblt. (Kr.O.) in Erg.Fernaufkl.Gr.,trf to 2./Versuchsverband Ob.d.L. 14.04.44 Oblt. in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124, injured again in Ju 88 D-1 (G2+UH) crash-landing at Fp. Banak/N Norway due to engine failure - turned over upon landing. 24.04.44 Oblt., awarded the E....P. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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LÜDTKE, Artur. (DOB: 25.07.20). 01.04.43 promo to Oblt./A1, 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121. 13.09.43 Oblt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 unhurt - Ju 88 D-1 (G2+FH) landing accident reported at Kirkenes. 16.01.44 Oblt. in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124, injured in Ju 88 A-5 (G2+XH) belly-landing at Fp. Kirkenes/N Norway - due to engine trouble. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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SCHMIDT, Manfred. 15.02.43 Lt., (pilot) awarded the Ehre...okal. 01.06.43 Oblt. in 1.(F)/Aufkl. Gr. 124, trf to Fuhrer-Reserve Ob.d.L. and ordered to Ausbildungsstelle für Ingenieure d.Lw. for temporary duty. (Quelle: ww2 dk)


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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
LINK, Otto. (DOB: 13.11.13). (D^KG). 19.03.42 Oblt., awarded D^KG, 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124. 08.05.43 Fw., awarded the Ehrenpokal. 01.08.43 in Stab/Fliegerf^hrer Nord (Ost), promo to Hptm. (A1/Fl.) (RDA 01.01.43). (n.d.) Stab/Aufkl.Gr. 123 Hptm., trf to Wekusta 51. 23.05.44 Hptm., appt Staka Wekusta 51 (to 01.11(12?).44). (n.d.) trf to Wetterflugstelle Prag-Rusin. (Quelle ww2 dk)


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SCHMIDT, Franz. 22.03.42 Lt., 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 KIA - Ju 88 D-1 (G2+HH) lost over the Barents Sea vic Jiokanga (Jekonga-Teriberka/ Kola Peninsula)/Soviet Union - shot down by AA Battery 946 (Quelle ww2 dk)


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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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