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German Nachtjagdgeschwader Feier 5000 Feindflug NAG 3


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English Flight-Lieutenant Percy Burton of No. 249 Squadron, RAF Hurricane V6883 Hauptmann Liensberger, and his radio-operator, Unteroffizier Albert Kopge (or Koepege) ramming attack all dead 11-04-1940 Tuesday. Perhaps if interest John Vasco John Vasco

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View attachment 792045

  1. A Very Brave Man Indeed: Flight-Lieutenant Percy Burton of No. 249 Squadron, RAF
  2. original ww2 raf 249 sqn battle of britain pilot P/O P Burton KIA photograph | eBay
The collision between Burton and Liensberger happened on 27th September 1940.

There is now serious doubt that Burton rammed Liensberger's Bf 110, since the excavation of the site of the crash of Burton's Hurricane showed than there were many unused .303 rounds...
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American Ltc Milton W. Johnson who Eared 3 Silvers Stars.
Milton Wayne Johnson. Johnson was assigned to the new 417th Bombardment Group (L) and deployed to New Guinea in late 1943, flying the Douglas A-20, a light low-level bomber/attack aircraft. He flew 107 combat missions and was awarded the Silver Star medal for gallantry three times, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Purple Heart, and received credit for the destruction of an armed enemy aircraft. On 2 January 1945, he became the Commanding Officer of 417th and was awarded the Legion of Merit.

Douglas A-20G-45-DO Havoc 43-22155 The Roff Rider 417th BG lost Mar 19, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13610



  1. Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame
  2. USAF Serial Number Search Results
  3. Ww2 Picture Of Famous Ltc Milton W. Johnson who Eared 3 Silvers Stars. | eBay
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American Navigator J. E Gott Consolidated B-24D-1-CO 41-23658 Thar She Blows 329 BS, 93 BG, "U Name It Peg" then "Thar She Blows") damaged by Oblt Johannes Naumann in Fw 190A-4 of 6./JG26 and crashed at Bredhurdst, UK Mar 8, 1943. No casualties Salvaged.


  1. USAF Serial Number Search Results
  2. 41-23658 | American Air Museum
  3. Vintage Photo Of Bombing Crew And A Photo of a Bomber that Navigator J. E Gott | eBay
  4. 41-24130 | American Air Museum
The B-24D, 41-24130, named, Thar She Blows Again, was assigned to the 8th Air Force, the 93rd Bomb Group, and the 329th Bomb Squadron. It was transferred to the 409th Bomb Squadron, the 93rd Bomb Group, in the 8th Air Force, USAAF. It was, then, transferred to the MTO at Benghazi, Lybia, temporarily attached (TDY) to the 9th Air Force, USAAF.
On a mission to Vibo Valentia, Italy, aircraft, 41-24130, crashed shortly after take off due to engine failure. 10 KIA. 13 Jul 43. see link nr 4 Same emblem but added "Again"
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English RAF 76 sqn halifax bomber crew Saint emblem sharkmouth

Halifax mk2 series 1 LK645

Halifax V LK645 MP-S; Holme-on-Spalding-Moor-Hanover; one of 26 ac lost (out of 711 on raid); Verden
Date: Wednesday 22 September 1943
Time: 22:40 LT
Owner/operator: 76 Sqn RAF
Registration: LK645
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 7
Other fatalities: 0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location: Morsum, Thedinghausen, Niedersachsen - Germany
Phase: Combat
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor, Yorkshire
Destination airport:
Takeoff at 18:43 hrs (local time) for an operation against Hannover in Niedersachsen.

The aircraft was coned by a searchlight and hit by heavy (schwere) Flak; crashed.
Two of the crew were killed, five were taken prisoner of war.



  1. Accident Handley Page Halifax Mk V LK645, Wednesday 22 September 1943
  2. original ww2 raf 76 sqn halifax bomber crew photograph | eBay
  3. original ww2 raf 76 sqn halifax bomber nose art photograph | eBay
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German Ferdinand Tucheder Tuchecker. + 13-07-1942 Monday died while swimming beim Baden in ROVANIEMI Finnland 1942

Edit see post #2988 John Vasco , Sir name now correct.



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