eduard 1/48 Fokker Dr.I

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Master Sergeant
Jan 17, 2011
this will be my first WWI aircraft I wanted to work with some woodgrain and rigging before the next GB so here we go.

the kit.

a little tamiya buff sprayed on.

some burnt umber and yellow orche applied.

and the engine.

Thanks for looking in any input welcome.
Looks great, Jerry! The wood grain is spot on, and the rest of the interior would show the doped linen, so the color you have used looks right. The seat isn't wood, however. IIRC, it was aluminum or linen covered. I think the Aussies have the seat from V. Richthoffen"s plane, there are pictures out there somewhere. The Fokker finish is easy to replicate, they used a color similar to RLM65 all over the plane, and then the dark olive green was hand brushed using a 4" brush in a random streak-type pattern. Diagonal from right to left on the horizontal surfaces and up and down on the sides. I will see if I can find mine to show you, or maybe one of the other guys has an example closer to hand. But, again, great start! Engine looks right also!
Very nice work, and yes, the seat was formed aluminium. I've got a photo of von Richtofen's seat if you need to see it. It was covered in a dark-coloured fabric which, in the photo, is rather tatty and falling off the metal.
This reminds me that I forgot to send you my wood grain method :S give me a couple minutes to eat lunch and I'll send you can try it on a spare piece of sprue before using it on anything

It looks good so far
Thanks guys. Okay Paul and Terry thanks for the input on the seat color here is what i did i mixed some flat black and red together and this is what i ended up with.

One other thing I just thought of, the instructions call for a PE device on the left side of the pit, somewhere around the throttle, this is an inertia starter and not on a DR1. (Correct for a D-VII, however) The Dr1 had a small box with a "key" on a short chain in much the same position. It wasn't a "starter switch" per say, but a safety, that had to be inserted before the engine would engage.
Thanks guys for the helpful input. I got it closed up now what would be the easy way for painting install center wing section or leave seperate iam going to try painting on the red band yellow x's will see how that goes.

this wing section aint glued just setting there.

some painting done there is some minor touch ups thanks for looking in.

Thanks guys I did some reading and RLM 76 seemed to be what was used so i tried it.

before green streaking.

You are right, I said 65, but when I went back to check sources, the color is described as having that slightly turquoise shade, so 76 is probably closer.
Did you paint the red boxes and yellow "X"s? If so, Nice job, hard to tell them from decals!

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