Ok, I have the dark gray on the upper surfaces. Had an issue with MM flat. It was way too green. So, I pulled the xtracolor enamel out. It was very "gooey"... needed to be thinned badly. So, I cut a scrap of coat hangar and bent it to make a paint stir stick that I could stick in my moto-tool. I clamped the tin my channel locks, stuck the paint stirrer in, turned it on low, and drizzled in some thinner. Viola, nicely stirred and ready for the air brush. Shot that on. I do really like the xztracolor enamels except for the drying time of the gloss paints. In our Texas summer weather it takes 24-36 hrs to dry to the point where I can handle the model.
So, dark grey is on, I am still cutting the frisket masks (maybe 60% done) and sticking them on. I hope to be ready to shoot the dark green on by tomorrow or the day after. Me and frisket paper have a "sticky" relationship. But, I am liking this whole idea. I figure if I am careful with putting em and taking em off, I can get 2-4 more spits out of this set. That makes the extra effort worthwhile IMO. I will post some pics once I have all the frisket paper down and before and after I shoot the dark green on.