Eduard BF-110G-4 Weekend Edition 1/48

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Thanks guys! This build being new territory for me so to speak I guess I kinda didn't expect to come this far and my planning never really went beyond getting the basis airframe together, so I need to think through the next steps I need to take and not rush it. Better leave it be for bit and think things through rather then forcing things and messing it up
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The canopy masking looks very does the assembly so far with a shot of primer over it. Having done the canopy masking myself there is plenty to worry about over the application and removal of the paint masks - but it would have been a real pain to make them yourself if not unwise. Watch out for the undercarrige assembly - whilst very good it is also very fragile and doesn't tolerate much abuse. Great stuff so far...
Thanks for the heads up Hotntot, I came to the same conclusion in regard to the undercarriage. I cut a few of those parts from the sprue to see of they could be detailed a bit more (adding break lines for instance) so I kinda dry fitted them too and looked at how the overall sub-assembly looks which is supposed to go in the gear bay. It didn't seem like a real sturdy construction to me either.

I guess these thin canopy frames also need care when it comes to removing the masks. I think I need to gently score along the edges with a fresh blade in my hobby knife to somewhat 'cut' them loose to avoid ripping of the thin strips of paint that are supposed to remain.
Yes - careful, thoughtful removal of the masks needed there too. Don't want to scatch them though. If you're adding PE bits on the inside then careful handling is needed too. Still, when they're in place all that 'glass' looks fab of course.
Looks good Jelmer. I was thinking in order to bring out the nose armour plating, maybe a thin piece of plastic sheet from a file cover and cut to shape could be stuck over the area. Help bring back some of the detail.
I was somewhat thinking along the same lines Vic. I was thinking I could use a piece of scrap PE fret to bring back the little raised ridge I'm looking for and work that into the rest of the armour plate using putty or CA or something, but if I think about it some sort of thin plastic sheet might work just as good
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So, with my thesis approved and finished for the most part (YES!) I intend to get some done work on this puppy, which has been staring me in the face for quite some time now. After I shelved it for the most part the last couple of months I noticed I was actually closer to starting the painting then I realized, so I need to be making a few decisions in regard to that.

On page four of this thread a few pics can be found of Joachim Jabs' a/c likely to be taken around early to mid '44 (specifically look at both Jabs and Schnauffer's Ritterkreuz with and seemingly without Oakleafs to get a basic idea of the timeframe). I'm in doubt about what colors I could use. The lack of reference in regard to Jabs' a/c at this time ofcourse makes a little artistic licence inevitable, but still here's thing.

The nightfighter camouflage around this time during the war consists, to my knowledge, mostly of RLM76 overall with a great variation in RLM75 patterns (patches, splotches, subtle or less subtle mottling etc.) Based on what I'm seeing on these pics of Jabs a/c I'm thinking it was mostly RLM76 with patches of the RLM75 on the upper fuselage and quite possibly the wings too (if one looks closely at the wing on the pic where Jabs is standing/stepping on it, it seems patches of RLM75 can be seen too if one looks carefully)

What do you guys think about it? Would this make any sence? A nightfighter camouflage mostly consisting of patches of RLM76/RLM75 rather them RLM76 overall with some form of RLM75 mottling to it? Or could it have been the typical RLM74/75/76 that was applied as well before the night fighters pretty much settled on RLM76/RLM75 in some shape or form.
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I'd guess at RLM76 overall, with upper surfaces in RLM75 mottle or 'mirror wave'. perhaps Erich or Paul (Maximowitz) could add more specific advice.
Here's mine from the same period, based on photographs of the actual aircraft, and others in a similar finish, to show what I mean.


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Thanks Terry! I'm telling ya, she sure looks sweet like that, I absolutely love the sinister look of these G-4's. Something similar was my initial plan too, albeit with a little different 'intensity' in mottling if you know what I mean (based on what I've seen it can vary quite a bit from a/c to a/c), but somewhere along the proces I found these pics shown on page four of this thread that show (at least on the upper fuselage) these big patches of what to me seems like RLM76 and RLM75. I think I'll drop Maximowitz and/or Erich a line indeed.
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Ah, yes, I see what you mean now. Looks like the earlier 'day fighter' scheme, with soft splinter pattern on wings and fuselage spine, the scheme used before the introduction of the overall RLM76 and mottle. I'd go with that. I'll have a look to see if I have any profiles or colour art work to help.
That would be great Terry! I know there isn't much to go on, but I fear that's something we have to contend with when it comes to night fighters. My impression based on these pics is that it could be a 'day fighter' scheme, as in soft edged splinter camo, but with just RLM75/76 (that is at least what I'm seeing on these pics)

You're planning doing HJ Jabs <<< # AA scheme? I'm doing the same kit and scheme too
You sound right on the upper camo, suits the period and both the Cutting Edge and PD decal sheets I have describe it that way. I'm probably a month away from starting to paint mine, will definately be practicing a bit before I start.

Have you got the front FuG218 radar sorted yet? I tracked down the cutting edge resin mast for that, got some of the beautiful Master Model brass dipoles for the FuG218 too, a bit of a spend but I don't build as much these days.

look forward to some shots when you start the top scheme
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Nice JägerMarty! I plan to turn it into Jabs' kite indeed. It do have a set of these Master turned brass FuG218 dipoles (although I have yet to work out a mast), but since I want to do HJ Jabs kite around april '44 the Neptun will not be used for this build. Since I'm thinking april '44 Jabs kite would prolly be equipped with either the first model SN2 paired with a FuG202/FuG212 mast in the center, of the revised SN2/dipoles set without the addition of the FuG202/fuG212 mounted in the center. Both SN2 setups are provided by the Eduard kit, and I've already fabricated a FuG212 mast to be mounted in the center of the nose.

The pic that shows HJ Jabs kite laying in some field was taken in may '45 in Sweden and I believe that one indeed was equiped with Neptun radar, but it is a totally different a/c compared to the one I'm looking to build since his previous one was wrecked by the Spitfires in the end (I think they strafed it a few times after Jabs put it on the ground and made for the nearest ditch). I think I'll save the Neptun dipoles for Schnauffers last mount. Where did you manage to grab these Cutting Edge and PD decals sheets BTW? Are they still available somewhere?
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Very interesting, I've read about that Spitfire incident, he must have been.a crackshot to down 2 like that.
The Cutting edge and PD sheets are well out of print, I grabbed them when they came out years ago when I did a revell Bf110G, I could scan them up you like.
Have you got decals yet?
Yup, he was a skilled pilot. During the BoB period he managed to shoot down 8 spitfires while flying with ZG.76

A scan of the PD decals and Cutting Edge sheet would be greatly appreciated indeed. Maybe I can rework some of the images into something I can print on special decal paper. For the most part I've pieced together a set of markings for G9+AA though, but I'm still on the lookout for a suitable Geschwader Kommodore triple chevron. The style as can be seen on Jabs a/c seems to differ a little bit from other more common styles. On page 4 you can see some pics of the Chevron style I mean and also some more pics of the Spitfire incident (Jabs talking to one of the Spitfire pilots, inspecting one of the downed Spitfires, the two elderly gentlemen when they met so many years after the war.)
I'll scan them up in the next few days. I plan to use the Cutting edge codes at this stage, once they are on my model I'd be happy to send you the PD codes. As they are both old sheets I'll have to wait until mine are on though. Im probably 2 mths away from decalling.
Well, a scan would be great, particularly of the chevrons. Apart from the chevrons I'm good to go when it comes to decalling, so yeah a scan would be nice!

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