Evan the Cold Warrior

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We once did a guy up so bad (or good) that he had chewing tobacco and toothpaste stuffed up his nose and his ears... He was drunkenly passed out, and didnt wake up till the following morning...

We took everything in his room and piled it on top of him while he was in bed... EVERYTHING.... Posters, speakers, clothes, books, desk lamp, chair...... U name it....
LOL! We took a drunk guy and moved his entire room out onto the drill pad at Keesler. It was hilarious because it was the exact same layout, just outside. He didn't even budge as we moved him and his bed outside.
Brilliant guys drunks are undoubtedly the best to attack Les /Evan as you can do most things and they are oblivious till the next day.shame you didnt have some pics.
We had and old pot bellied stove in one mess room and this lazy cook house pratt used to spend half his time kipping next to it in a chair so one of the lads climbed on the roof and chucked a bottle petrol down the stack there was a roar and a six foot flame shot out of the chimney the door of the mess burst open and this bloke staggered out in a cloud of soot and smoke no word of a lie he looked exactly like Al Jolson even down to the white rings around his mouth and eyes.
There's only two things I know that tea bag can refer to - 1) A tea bag - to make tea - to drink. 2) Sticking your balls in someones mouth.
Here are some miscellaneous airplane shots.


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Yeah, that's a great shot. The F-111 formation shots are cool too. I haven't seen one of those in ages either. I've read your comments in another thread about the ones in the RAAF. Very interesting.
Yep, the RAAF are the only ones left flying the F-111s. I know they were getting old, but it's still sad to see them in mothballs as I can remember them in the skies over Lakenheath very well.


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