Evan the Cold Warrior

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And to just been even less helpful, he even spelt probably wrong.
Here is some miscellaneous crap from my life, so far.


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I like it Evan you little rock beast I never realized how much of a hairy Mary you where in your time that's a fair old set of locks your toting.
Aren't bins a pain in the arse when your doing electrical/electronics work mine always seem to steam up at in opportune moments.
I like the twanging the carp pic your mum looks a nice lady,I assume its a local quarry or sand pit where your riding your Quad Ive never tryed quads they look fun. well you cant say you haven't got about a bit in your time Eric. Your boys a handsome little chap although i bet like all kids he has his right little monster moments too have you ever had and thing posted into your video recorder slot? our neighbours boy used to post all their TV remotes through the fence panel to us.

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