Evan the Cold Warrior

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Nah, the cages down at that facility in the picture were air conditioned heavily. It was about 95 F outside when that picture was taken, but it was 65 F inside! you can't really see the laptop in the pic on the top of all that gear, but I was configuring a Cisco 7513. Big chunk of iron there with lots of throughput.

I used to ride quads out in the desert, about 4 hours from where I live now. It out there with nothing much else around, so there is about half a million acres of riding space out there! There are other places closer, but I loved Ocotillo Wells/Anza Borrego for riding. Maybe if my son takes an interest in it, I will do it again. But I would rather he take up flying! ;)

My boy is pretty good natured, but like all kids, has his moments. He is at the age where he is testing his boundaries, so he gives me plenty of challenges. He doesn't play with the remotes, but I have had to dig a fair share of matchbox and hot wheel cars out of the VCR.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. You have a special arrow, heavier than a normal arrow with a barbed tip. You attach the line to your bow. You have to be fairly close to get a good shot because the heavy arrow won't travel far and you get the distortion from the water for the angle. The key is to have a good oarsmen. My step dad was a master at stealth mode when we went in for the kill.

We had a really quiet canoe too. It was an Old Town canoe, that is made of basically plastic and foam. They are silent runners. Now that I think about that, maybe I should have joined the Navy and been a sub hunter. ;)
hehe, not exactly what I meant, but think of the propaganda tool I would become! Either that or I would just be a "tool"! :lol:

"US Sailor takes out Oscar Class sub with bow and arrow"
Seaman First Class Van Gilder made history today by capturing a Soviet Oscar class submarine armed with only a Carp Shooting Bow and Arrow while using the newest Navy weapon, a Hunter Canoe manufactured by the company Old Town.

"Using the carbide tipped, depleted uranium arrowhead, I was able to pierce the hull.", said the seaman. "The hardest part was pulling it in" he continued.

Naw, it would probably be classified. ;)
Thought I would add a couple of shots. This is a 1/18th scale P-47D Razorback, "Jabo" 42-25990. It's from the 9th AF, 405th FG, 509th FS. The pilot is listed on the side as Lt. Bob Hartmann.

It took a little doing to hang it up, it's pretty heavy and my initial anchor line was 2 lb. test line that broke on a quick test! So I had to use 8 lb. test line to hold it up.

We sell quite a few of these in our gift shop at the museum. I was disappointed to find all of the Corsairs gone by the time I got there, but the P-47 looks good too. The company, 21st Century toys, makes a few of these and I love the P-38 they have, but we haven't gotten any at the museum...yet!

To check out their other models, look here:

The site sells Jabo for $62.21 on sale, normally $74.95. We sell them in the museum for $52.00, so it looks like I got a deal.


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I uh...I already have a few. 8-[
I've got the Spit Mk.II in 1939 colour scheme (underside half white, half black), a Bf-109E4, P-51D "Lou IV", and two Corsairs; one VMF-512 "Checkerboarders" and the other one British.
Crikey Evan it,s massive I hope you do have some good fixings it would make very embarrassing local headlines.
EX-Airforce Serviceman killed by model aircraft ceiling plunge. ;)

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