Thanks Shinpachi,
That kind of information is very difficult to locate from where I can search.
Just to make sure I understand you:
100 rounds of belted Type 99-1 ammunition would be 21.2 kg + 2.064 kg = 23.264 kg
100 rounds of belted Type 99-2 ammunition would be 23.2 kg + 2.064 kg = 25.264 kg
Does the 217.0 grams for Ho-5 ammunition include links?
Thanks again.
- Ivan.
That kind of information is very difficult to locate from where I can search.
Just to make sure I understand you:
100 rounds of belted Type 99-1 ammunition would be 21.2 kg + 2.064 kg = 23.264 kg
100 rounds of belted Type 99-2 ammunition would be 23.2 kg + 2.064 kg = 25.264 kg
Does the 217.0 grams for Ho-5 ammunition include links?
Thanks again.
- Ivan.