Extremely detailed Zero schematics

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Come on, Ross;)
It's a duplicate of my post here for my lads plus local news like the recent general election.
Japanese politics is currently on the historical turning point and no one should be indifferent to it any more.
I am softly saying "Don't be tired of our politicians. Let them know we are always watching them.":)
I'm curious to find out what my family in Japan thinks of the elections...I think that my cousins have a somewhat "liberal" point of view, as they frequently voice concern about military issues and economy. They are also of the generation that became adult in the 1970's. But I think that some of my "older" relatives, who still live, have a "somewhat" more traditional viewpoint. I dont think that my (younger) 2nd cousins even think about such things... :oops:
I believe you don't necessarily have to worry about the younger generation, proton45.

For the general election this time, I found out many young voters there, more than my expectation.
They seem less interested in old parties and politics but new one led by young leader...who came from an old party.
He is Yoshimi Watanabe - son of former Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe who was loved and respected by the Japanese people very much because of his frank character.

Sorry everyone, the politics has nothing to do with this thread.
To show my apology, let me post a couple of CG images from my recent work as Spits kindly recommended.

A set of rudder controller and a structure view of rib+stringer of A6M2 Zero fighter.


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  • A6M2_stringer_ribsSHDimage00S.JPG
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Wow, who launched this thread originally?
ONE_HELLCAT Last Activity: 07-01-2010 08:52 PM

Thanks Ivan.
Merry Christmas!
I guess this message is minorly related:

Does anyone know why the gun triggers on the Zero fighter were put on the throttle instead of the control column? Note that the Ki-84 Hayate puts the triggers on the control column.

If you were the pilot, where would you want the triggers?

- Ivan.
That was a tradition of IJN aircraft but they adopted the control column type for Nakajima J1N1 Gekko.
I heard 4 or 5 Zeros of the 302nd squadron at Atsugi airfield were locally modified to Gekko type and reputation among the pilots was good.


  • J1N1_cockpit.JPG
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Hi Shinpachi,

Now if YOU were the pilot and had a choice, where would you want the triggers? Personally I would want them on the control column. You may let go of the throttle to do something else, but I don't think there is much occasion for letting go of the control stick.

As an aside, I have been trying to find the ammunition weights for various aircraft guns but getting no responses. Do you know how much the belted ammunition for the Type 99-1 and Type 99-2 cannons weighed? The weight of the drum is unimportant because it remains in the aircraft when the ammunition has been expended.

- Ivan.
Hello Ivan!
It has been a while.

I am interested in having the triggers on the control column too as it seems easier to handle.

Unit weight of ammunition:
375g for the 20mm
34g for the 7.7mm
Unknown for the 13.2mm (Machinegun was copy of US Browning for 12.7mm)

7.7mm: 700rounds x2guns x34g = 47,600g(47.6kg)
20mm: 60rounds x2guns x375g = 45,000g(45.0kg)

7.7mm: 700rounds x2guns x34g = 47,600g(47.6kg)
20mm: 100rounds x2guns x375g =75,000g(75.0kg)

7.7mm: 700rounds x2guns x34g = 47,600g(47.6kg)
20mm: 125rounds x2guns x375g = 93,750g(93.75kg)

13.2mm: 230rounds x1gun(fuselage) x unit weight
13.2mm: 240rounds x2guns(wing) x unit weight
20mm: 125rounds x2guns x375g = 93,750g(93.75kg)

Attached image shows the equipments weight list of A6M3(model 32) for the references.
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Thanks Shinpachi!

I wonder if this information was for the Type 99-1 or Type 99-2 cannon? I believe that the early A6M3 (Type 32) carried the Type 99-1 cannon that had the muzzles even with the wing leading edge like the A6M2 Model 21. The later planes (mid production Type 22) carried the Type 99-2 cannon which I believe used a larger and heavier cartridge.

I can't help but wonder if the "22" at the upper left of this table meant that this is really a type 22 aircraft?

I did a bit more poking around:
The Fuel tanks suggest this is a Model 22 Zero being described: 60 Liters in Wing Tip Tanks, 410 liters in Main and Fuselage tanks, 320 liters in a drop tank.
The weight of the guns indicate that these are Type 99-1 cannon. The Type 99-1 guns weigh around 45 to 50 pounds. The Type 99-2 guns were around 75 to 80 pounds.

- Ivan.
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Sorry Ivan. I have no time for further research at the moment but maybe later.
The List is of A6M3(model 32). The 2.2 on the top left indicates list number.
Hello Shinpachi,

You have done quite a lot to get this information and I greatly appreciate it. The actual type of the aircraft is pretty much irrelevant. I was using it to try to determine the type of gun that was installed. As it turns out, weight of the gun is sufficient for that.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about various aerial guns, but almost none that I could find about the ammunition weight. Thank you very much for supplying information that I could not find elsewhere.

- Ivan.
I am also involved with the CAF Zero-sen in Camarillo. We are looking for an engineering drawing of the throttle, which someone broke. If we have to reverse engineer it we can, but that will add to the cost and time involved. Anyone got anything we can use?
Hi Shinpachi,

Do you happen to have any data along the same lines as before on the Type 99-2 or Ho-5 ammunition weights?

- Ivan.
Hello Ivan.
Here is data of army Ho-5 20mm cannon from my quick research at wiki japan.

Total length: 1,444mm
Total weight: 37.0kgs
Barrel length: 900mm
Velocity: 735meters/second
with 750rounds/minute
Number for a belt loader: 150rounds (Ki-84 model 1a army fighter)

Ammunition unit weight: 217.0g (84.5g for the shell included)

Also, I have found out the handling manual of navy type 99 20mm canon belt loader.
It has the detailed weight list as per image attached.

My last "Unit weight of ammunition: 375g for the 20mm" contained magazine weight.
Sorry for confusion.


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