F-105D Thunderchief 1/33 scale

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Looking good, Boats.... as always. Don't forget the pic's of the Vimy, as we discussed. Just edit your first post, go to advanced, and you're home free.

Thanks all you fellas for your replies charles I will post thye finished pictures of my Vimy tomoorow, Okay the build is progressing very well I ran into some fit problems sometimes you run into fit issues on cardmodels it is the nature of the beast like that at times on plastic kits the principlal is the same... I will post another update later this evening, As to the update build report on the mighty Thud I have the cockpit assembly all finished as per kit.. The cockpit is very sparse and needs polishing i will add a little more further down the line as the model comes to the finish result..going back to the build now i was letting the top fuselage fairing dry on one side then I will fold it over to the other side and proceed aft here are the update build pix.



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Nice job, Boats. BTW, what kind of glue do you use ??


Ahoy Charles
thank you very much for your reply I have another update build report coming in a moment I use Aleens Tacky glue good stuff it also can be used as a crystal clear for windows in plastic models or port holes on ship models good stuff dries clear. thanks charles I will have the vimy finished pix in the morning.



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Here is the last update for the night more tomorrow. As for the build report I have the top fuselage fairing all glued down and i adsded 5 more skins to the fuselage assembly timorrow i will have the intire fuselage completed as of now letting dry over night for the glue to cure and i will do some burnishing in the moring to smooth out the seams..Next will be the tail feathers as far as the construction goes i been running into trouble with the fitting of formers and skis this is a old kit anyone who knows about the old hand drwan kits they present fit issues but with experience they can be over comed wojtek understands what i mean he is a master cardmodler asnd knows the problems some of these kits present but you got to know what your doing unlike like plastic or wood one slip with the sizzors or No.11 blade your work will be wasted and the next step is the trash can..Here is the update build reports.



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Thanks fellas for your replies the build going string and its beginning to form a boil on back of my kneck alot of trimming on the skins and had to make a couple of new formers alot of fit issues if you look at the picture you will see the star and bar misaligned not my fault its in the printing of the cardfstock Not all cardmodels are li9ke this the older kits present alot of fit issues and this is one of them..but I got5 the old thud back on track and it is hoped everything else goes together even better old boats got it together.. The intire fuselage has been assembled but there other parts which will complete the assembly.. I installed the thrust baffles and whats suppose to be the engine turbin is inplace.............. OPn the next update the intire fuselage will; be completed and the tail feathers will; be next here is the update on the mighty Thud.



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You could alway lay a decal over the mis-aligned national insignia. If you don't have some, I'm sure that one of us have extra.

Ahoy Paul
thanks man I sure can use two them what an eyesore this kit drive you bughouse with all of these bad fit issues keep popping up here and there. Most appreciated thanks for your reply.

Thanks everyone for your replies, Starting to look like the Thud I got most of the parts on the fuselage and I constructred and installed the rudder assembly believe it or not it went togetyher pretty well without fuss and hair pulling..My big main concern is I hope the wings wont give me any trouble As of now letting the intire fuselage unit dry overnight and in the morning having my breakfast coffee I will burnish out the fuselage and smooth out thseamss upfdate for tomorrow will be the finished fuselage and tailfeathers then the wings will be next here is the update for the night.........



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