F1-Who watched yesterday?

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Alte Hase

Airman 1st Class
Sep 25, 2011
Hi guys.

I'm not sure how many F1 GP fans there are on here, but I was just thinking about the incident between Maldonado and Perez yesterday-where Perez was the latest victim of Maldonado's somewhat aggressive style/ inability to control his car,causing Perez to have to retire with a smashed car. Maldonado was able to carry on racing after the incident.

Maldonado did a very similar thing in the European GP two weeks ago, to Lewis Hamilton who at the time was in third place on the last lap, once again causing Hamilton to be forced to withdraw after serious damage to his car.

I know the stewards are reviewing the incident, but really, this kind of cowboy behaviour is most unnecessary!
I try to catch all the F1 races. Maldonado looked like he struggled for grip in the corner and under-steared into DiResta. I'm not sure this was reckless driving on his part. He still had the racing line and the outside pass was risky.
I don't really care much for F1 racing but I have developed an appreciation for NASCAR. Stupid me keeps cheering for Danica to win but each time she is set up to win or at least finish in a top spot, she either wrecks or is taken out by a multi-car wreck. NASCAR is where they still do a public prayer for safety before each race, so I gotta support that. The politically correct liberal idiots who don't want to be offended by a prayer aren't going to get there way with that crowd.

Oops, kinda got on that soap box. (stepping down)

Back on topic......I did watch some of the F1 race yesterday. Those cars are ungodly fast and their pit crews are incredible. 4 tires and fuel in 4 seconds, and that's slow. They shoot for 3.3-3.5 seconds from what I could figure out.
Don't care much for any modern racing, cars are ugly, less and less it's also up to the driver, I'm conviced that the next thing they'll do, is getting rid of the driver...
Give them one thing though, cars are a h*lluva lot safer!

Anyhoo.....enough moaning!
I've never gotten into NASCAR, only really recently started watching F1, so I'm definitely no expert.

Crimea River-did you mean DiResta or Perez? I know DiResta had to retire in the first lap, didn't catch the first bit of the race so I didn't see what happened but I heard it was a puncture. Perez had the incident with Maldonado around mid-race...very very similar to the Hamilton incident last race-could well be he lost grip-I'm no expert!

DerAdlerIstGelandet- I understand! I guess most sports are to a degree 'pointless'- certainly not a vital necessity to our continued existence, but I like the mix of driver skill and constructor technical input and team strategy that you get in F1. I can't spend more than 5 mins watching tennis or golf though! I guess everyone has their preference!
Yep - just like football, the most boring, pointless, brainless waste of grass known to man.... with F1 coming in around 10th.
I used to love F1, following it avidly from the early 1960s. But, since the era of the born again Messerschmitt pilot called Schumacher, it just got more and more repetetive and boring, an endless parade of car following car, being based more on technicalities than just driver and team skill, with very little actual racing, unlike the days of Graham Hill, Jackie Stewart, or Moss and Fangio before them. And with that poison gnome in charge .......!!
Can't believe you missed Jim Clark! One of the greatest.

Nice to see one of his Lotus above.

Damon Hill,looking remarkably like his dad,took Clark's Lotus 65 for a spin around Aintree,it was shown prior to Sunday's GP. Best bit of the afternoon.

Oops, my mistake - it was Perez. Anyhoo, judges deemed Moldonado to have cause the accident and fined him. Also fined Kobayashi for running over his pit crew - idiot.

Thorlifter, they don't fuel in F1 pitstops anymore, just tires. 7 second stops with fuel were the norm, 3.5 for just tires.
Oops! Sorry Steve - missed out Jim Clark, 'Black Jack' Brabham, Denny Hulme, Chris Amon, John Surtees, and quite a few other from that era.
If you're so bored watching it, why don't you do it.
I've been racing circle track myself since 97-98, dirt, concrete and asphault. It's just a hobby, but I do well enough at it that at the end of the year when I figure out my expense verses my earnings, i've almost always come out a little ahead.
This weekend I crossed the finish line 3rd, backwards, then hit the wall. I didn't get to "talk" to the guy who turned me, he got scarce before they let me out of the ambulance, so i've got that to look forward to this weekend. Meanwhile i've got a lot of repair work to do on my car, and I do it all.

That turning left may look simple when you're watching, it's not so simple when you're in the car.
I remember Jimmy Clark. I remember Jim Hall and the Chaperel as well. We get NASCAR here in Oz and i just hope Ambrose gets a win for the Petty team soon. He gets up there in qualifying, is usually on the lead lap at the finish and is in the top ten now and then.

Let's face it, car racing isn't every ones cup of tea, but it sure keeps a lot of people employed!!!!
I always followed all forms of racing, and used to do some auto-cross and road racing in my younger days. I feel no need to critisize another form of interest to make my own seem better. But the nearest road race track is over 200 miles away, and they only race a class I could afford to race in a few times a year.
There's probably 15 circle tracks within the same radius of where I live, they race almost every weekend for six months of the year, AND they pay me to race.

I've been a adrenalin junkie my whole life, even at 65 it still has a grip on me, so for now circle track racing feeds the beast.
Good on you Tom. I used to drive in Stage Rallies years ago, but gave up due to massive rises in cost. Ended up doing off road 4 x 4 trials, but had to pack that in too, when the arthritis stopped me doing anything remotely energetic!
One point about F1, and similar motor sport - many of the systems now common on the average road car, world wide, stem from racing.

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