(Father's day gift) Revell-Monogram 1/24 NASCAR #3 Goodwrench Monte Carlo

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well, I sprayed the hood and the body with oven cleaner. gonna scrub it tomorrow

Thanks, fellas. This is just a bit of turbulence and pretty excessive headwinds. I'm sure I can finish it before Father's day. If I scrub it clean today, apply a coat of primer the next day, then first coat of gloss black the next day and another coat the next. I won't let my impatience slow me down again lol
well, here is the body and hood after a day of soaking in the oven cleaner I sprayed on it. And I scrubbed it with a toothbrush then scrubbed it with dish soap. maybe I didn't put enough, I dunno. but in the process of scrubbing it, I broke the windshield frame on the driver's side. frown emoticon

after a few hours of scraping with a hobbyknife, and sanding with several different grits of sandpaper going from 150 coarse to 2000 fine, they are looking a LOT better, now. and I've found some primer hidden away. yay! I think after the primer I'll use flat black as an undercoat, then gloss black as an overcoat. what do you think?

ho-kay, round two! I think I did pretty well

forgot to mention that the new decals came a couple weeks ago LOL I spoke to someone who works on NASCAR model kits, and they said that these could work if I'm not going for 100% accuracy. I'm not. I'm just trying to make it look like the kit lol
hoses, dashboard, cooler lines, windshield braces, and shock assembly installed! I'm really proud of the dashboard, tho I wish the numbers in the gauges would have come out clearer

also painted the plating on the inside of the windows!
Thanks, guys! I've literally only got one part left to install on the chassis and then I'm done with it next, I'll focus on the body
Well, after doing a LOT of work on my room (got a loft bed and put a bigger workbench underneath it, pics to follow) I put the flat black on the body and the hood. the chassis is 100% complete, it's the body that needs work, now.


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