Favorite 5 Aircraft- All Eras Allowed.

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Also don't forget that the P-51 Mustang may have been designed by the US as a fighter but it took the British to iron out some problems including putting in a more suitable engine before its potential was realised.
Don't be an idiot, CC, or can't you help it? American planes with Americans pilots were the best? Especially when you come out with the Mustang as being one. Brilliant plane but the Spitfire was a better dogfighter, so how was it the best?

And the Tempest wouldn't have been slaughtered at low-level. In actual fact, the Tempest would have slaughtered the -47, gave the 'Tang and Lightning a run for their money.
mosquitoman said:
As if, the Tempest got the highest amount of Me262 kills out of any other plane, need I say any more?

Hmmm, didnt know that, interesting 8) I know the Tempest was a great plane, its one that I like very much, but I still feel that the 3 planes I mentioned were better...ill have to scrounge up an argument as I cant just say they were better - watch this space! 8)
I'd advise you enlist the help of LG, for the Lightning one. I think most of the American aircraft were brilliant. You put down the British aircraft too much, or you just don't know how to write properly. Either way, the British aircraft were some of the best in the sky. Especially the Spitfire, Mosquito and Lancaster.

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