Favorite 5 Aircraft- All Eras Allowed.

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Wouldn't the Raptor be Lightning III since EE had the second Lightning. ;)
But...do we care what they think? :lol: Just kiddin' for those hot tempered yanks.
Here you go, a Windows Media file of the Turbine Legend. Actually there are 2 different Legends in this clip. Now you can see it in action. It does remind me of a P-51 when it is in flight.

I can make it even smaller in size, but then the quality gets REALLY bad. This is a compromise. Enjoy...


  • turbine_legend.wmv
    4.7 MB · Views: 112
Nice! And that can be mine for the low price of $25,000(US), eh?
Hmmm...Factor in the fuel, maintenance, and not the least important of all: flying lessons. 8-[
It'd be a great idea, but I think I'll just watch them. :lol:
you know i reckon if i knew where everything was in the aircraft i could give flying the aircraft a damn good go............
In the right conditions, it's not too hard. It's the crosswind landings, poor weather approaches and unexpected events that make the difference between life and a splotch on the ground. Give me a nice, calm VFR day anytime.
Actually, flight simulators can help for memorization...

There's this uptight mod be the name of Hunhunter over at Il-2skinswho was taking lessons in a Cessna 172, and used Fs2004 to help with getting used to blind spots, where controls are, reading gauges quickly, etc.

Many schools use it as an aid as well.

My biggest problem so far has been lining up for landing and doing the tail-down approach needed for trikes, as well as getting low enough for the zero-pitch position for tail-draggers...

Well, that and the fact that I can't see under me!
GermansRGeniuses said:
Actually, flight simulators can help for memorization...

There's this uptight mod be the name of Hunhunter over at Il-2skinswho was taking lessons in a Cessna 172, and used Fs2004 to help with getting used to blind spots, where controls are, reading gauges quickly, etc.

Many schools use it as an aid as well.

My biggest problem so far has been lining up for landing and doing the tail-down approach needed for trikes, as well as getting low enough for the zero-pitch position for tail-draggers.

Well, that and the fact that I can't see under me!

Some flight sims are real enough that some governments are using them to replace flying/training time. Major airlines are using them for training/qualification/requalifying. Fed/Ex for example requires two weeks each year for simulation exercises both normal and emergency procedures. If you fail you don't fly anymore.
You mean you can't get flaring out to land, GrG?

And LG, it's the Raptor...damn you! Don't you think Raptor is better for originality? Eh? Eh? Eh? :lol:

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