Favorite US Naval (carrier) bird

Which of the following did you like

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I like the F4F3 and the Dautless. I like the F4F3, because the lighter armament and non-folding wings gave it a better top speed and a better turn rate (/radius). As for the Dautless, it was a great bomber, and SHOULD have been given a more powerful engine from the get-go, so it cold feasibly run away from fighters when it was in a shallow dive.
I chose the F4U as it had the best peformance capability. Thanks to the British the Americans could opperate it effectively off carriers.
helmitsmit said:
I chose the F4U as it had the best peformance capability. Thanks to the British the Americans could opperate it effectively off carriers.

i think it was the Brits who figured out how to safely land it on carriers.

Prior to that, it was called the "Ensign Eliminator" for a reason.
syscom3 said:
i think it was the Brits who figured out how to safely land it on carriers.

Prior to that, it was called the "Ensign Eliminator" for a reason.

Your right about the carrier landings, the Brits developed the curving approach and decided the landing gear would work ok.

It was always called the "Ensign Eliminator" and many other names, you could tourque roll the plane at low speeds and quick throttle movements making it a dangerous plane to land for the uninitiated.

I've read it could be a bitch on take-off too, for the same reasons. A few marines found that out the hard way when they first launched from a carrier. But once the plane's quirks were figured out, they did pretty well with it.

I chose the Corsair as my favourite for the same reasons syscom did.
Because the loud raw of the Corsairs engine turns you on?

Oh wait ...that's my reason. Yes ...yes ...my choice is the Corsair.
I picked the hellcat. It was the most important fighter in the pacific theater. Simple, robust, able to take lots of battle damage.
Oh crap i didnt read the subject,

I just read the "which one do you like better"

In that case my other is the Supermarine Seafire,

Oh crap the Seafire isnt even a USN bird CRAP

Id say the Corsair then.

finally after 2 tries i get it right.

I need to stop drinking that Cheap rye

DAMN IT I meant three tries not Two CRAP

Just brought some more cheap rye from the Liquor Cabinet

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