Favourite TV cop/detective?

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What was that other series,guy had a .45,watched it last year, wore a cowboy hat also,dark hair.
Another thumbs up for Longmire. And if you haven't seen them, check out Tom Selleck in the Jesse Stone movies. He plays an ex alcoholic police chief. He is terrific in those and I think there are 7 movies.
Another thumbs up for Longmire. And if you haven't seen them, check out Tom Selleck in the Jesse Stone movies. He plays an ex alcoholic police chief. He is terrific in those and I think there are 7 movies.

I have noticed some of Jesse Stone movies listed on the channel guide of some of the smaller movie channels, and was thinking about checking them out just because of Tom Selleck. I will have to dvr them now based on your recommendation Thor!
CS Foyle from Foyle's War (when I could look away from his assistant....)

Honey West from long ago

Rockford, mostly because Jim Garner did such a good job.

Walter Mathau in The Laughing Policeman (Hey, I saw the movie on TV )
Another thumbs up for Longmire. And if you haven't seen them, check out Tom Selleck in the Jesse Stone movies. He plays an ex alcoholic police chief. He is terrific in those and I think there are 7 movies.

Translated to TV much better than Parker's other detectives: Spenser (both the Robert Urich and Joe Mantagna series were terrible) and Sunny Randall, who remains on the late Robert B Parker's pages.

Incidentally, Stone wasn't an ex-alcoholic. He was one who had quit drinking.
right now my favorite crime fighter is samatha shaw ( played by sarah shahi ) on person of interest...the former CIA/? agent that got burned and is now with the boys. one tough and hot babe!!

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